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Broke my duck on the Ribble


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2021
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Favourite Fishing
Since moving up North, I have had a handful of attempts at catching a Ribble barbel, without success. I fish the Severn for a couple of weeks each year, and I can catch them on the Severn most days, but the Ribble is a tougher nut to crack, and, in fairness, I had only fished daytime in the past, with most barbel coming after dark up here.

Tried a different stretch last night, with a friend who has fished the river for many years. He assured me that if we get a barbel it will be at least 5lb, only for me to snare this little beast after a couple hours!!

My mate had never seen a juvenile barbel caught on the river, so was absolutely gobsmacked when I reeled in another a few minutes later!

Added a few small chublets but just as we were packing up at 10:15, had a proper barbel bite and after a spirited fight, we slipped the net under a beautiful specimen of 9lb 2 oz.

My sea angling adventure may well be put on hold for a few weeks now!!!
Brilliant Steve! Always nice to see juvenile barbel as it is a sign of a healthy river.

The Severn is experiencing a few problems at the minute, with very high levels of Phosphates being recorded in the river. It has had a massive impact on fish stocks, particularly barbel, but it is now finally getting a lot of publicity so hopefully something will finally get done about it.
Brilliant Steve! Always nice to see juvenile barbel as it is a sign of a healthy river.

The Severn is experiencing a few problems at the minute, with very high levels of Phosphates being recorded in the river. It has had a massive impact on fish stocks, particularly barbel, but it is now finally getting a lot of publicity so hopefully something will finally get done about it.
Round up Glyphosates! Finding more and more in water ways and go check Eastern Counties water pollution it's "RED" over it on Warnings