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South Coast chesil, again


Well-known member
Jul 20, 2021
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Favourite Fishing

27 .9.2024


it was all fairly quiet when i arrived, not a soul about other than one guy walking back to his van who i had a natter with.
baits were-squid, old mackerel, half a dozen black lug, and a pack of cuttle. along with some fresh scad

rigs, 3 hook flappers, & up n overs

high tide was about midnight and neap. new moon waxing.wind felt light n/w but calmed through the morning.

sea was coloured, like dishwater.not too rough but the ebb was throwing the odd set of 2-3ft swells at the beach, weather stayed dry , mostly clear skys till morning.
the night dragged by, just me on my little patch of beach , no sign of anything fishy other than the odd 5 inch pout, tried a self catch livebait rig but no joy.

20240928_071736[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

the morning dawned and finally a big pullaround bite on a squid/lug wrap, still pulling by the time i dragged myself up of the beach and to the rod, hook had set well, strong fish with a bit of head shaking, not the codling i was looking for but hopefully a bass , after a bit of up n down & back & too in the swells which were still rolling in ( always best to slacken drag at this point and not easy i find on a front drag f/s.) i ended up with a reasonable chesil sized smut of i'd guess 4lb, ( didnt weigh, faffed about with camers and didnt want her out too long while i hunted a scale & weigh bag, when you set these things to hand the bloody fish never show)

*DSCF3205 by gordon underwood, on Flickr

shortly afterwards i was joined by the first of the day anglers, chucking feathers about into the grubby water, it surprised me that they found the odd scad but no mackerel was no surprise. sometime after i caught a scad of my own on the bottom to make a tick on my halfharted specie hunt list.

20240928_082302[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

the afore mentioned team of featherers , left at some point in the morning offering me some fresh scad as bait, i employed some and caught a cracking bream . it was one of those days just when the boredom gets to you and you feel like quitting- oh look! a bite! best stay for another cast or two. i was originally going to quit just before the smut showed.

20240928_110706[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

i followed the bream with a small but energetic tubbie,
20240928_111433[1] by gordon underwood, on Flickr

about 13.30 with the tide dropping again though the wind had dropped and sea now flat calm , i packed up giving the last two cuttle baits to the angler beside me and staggering back up over the bank , didnt think i was going to make it at one point,- getting old & hate it.
Good effort Gordon. Nice mixed bag of fish mate. 🎣 🎣

Great report and photos Gordon - good mix of species. You sure put the hours in. 🎣🎣👍👍
Great report and photos Gordon - good mix of species. You sure put the hours in. 🎣🎣👍👍
i like to fish a whole tide cycle when i can, -A, i like fishing. B, i have time to do so now & not much else to do instead. C, if there are fish there or moving through i hate to think i have missed them by leaving just before they switch on to feed or move through my pitch.

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