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Penn Fathom 12


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2021
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Hi gents.
Just wandering your opinioin on the Penn Fathom 12 and do they suffer from line getting between the cage and spool like my Penn mags.
I prefer Multies. except when Spinning in the river.
I'm pretty sure if you search this forum and others that the general concensus is that the Fathom 12 (think of it as a 515 in size but beefed up) is possibly the pick of the bunch. That's certainly my opinion, but I do like the 15sd too so far. The Mag525 Mk 2/3/4s on the other hand are shyte in the mid to long term. Mark1 (USA made) 525s have served me and others well for decades but parts are now getting hard to source, hence the move to Fathoms. Hope this helps
I've been using fathom 12s and 15s for 9 years without issues.
They are my go to reels for everything except extreme range, which I use 65s.
Though I doubt there is little in it on the beach with bait and weather
I use fathoms 15s and yet to have any line get trapped behind the spool good solid reels for the money I use the mk1s
I think he will only be able to get Fathom II's Mike, Mk1's rare as rocking horse shit. Looking on fleabay, Fathom 15 Mk1 £200 plus £30 postage from Australia. :eek:

I think he will only be able to get Fathom II's Mike, Mk1's rare as rocking horse shit. Looking on fleabay, Fathom 15 Mk1 £200 plus £30 postage from Australia. :eek:

Feck 🤪 best i keep mine , both mine are nagged lovely reels but these saltiest are growing on me big time
Feck 🤪 best i keep mine , both mine are nagged lovely reels but these saltiest are growing on me big time
Meant to ask you how you were getting on with the Saltists Mike, I believe Russ (Blakdog) magged them for you ?. What are they like casting wise mate.?

Meant to ask you how you were getting on with the Saltists Mike, I believe Russ (Blakdog) magged them for you ?. What are they like casting wise mate.?

Sweet so bloody smooth Ian . Totally take the place of the fathoms the retrieve is something else , dragged in hounds last night as if they was Maccys . Casting distance was same as the fathoms did give one a blast and would say it was 200 easy with out bait did measure it with optic finder along beach but crap did it hurt still hurting now in my spine lol . Ian mate don’t get old if fecking hurts
Mike, remind me what version of the Saltists are yours mate ?

Looking at your thread on your Saltists Mike, I think they are the 20H size. (y)

20H size, thought so Mike. Equal to a 12 size Fathom. (y)

Get it magged by russ ( blakedog) . The bearings are covered in thick grease when new . To most buyers this is more than managamal . Wash the bearings out and it can become unmanageable the bearing on the gearbox side can not be removed so you need a carb or break cleaner spray to remove the grease . Once done lube with red rocket oil and get IT magged . Once magged no need for the break blocks blakdog mags tame it to perfection

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