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Peterhead : Boat Fishing

Another Angle UK

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2020
Reaction score
Up North
Favourite Fishing
I've finally started getting the boat out on the North East of Scotland. On this trip the target was Bass which we know hang around the nice warm water of the power station outlet. The Bass didn't put in an appearance but the small Sea Trout (Troot) were on for some sport. We decided to make a move further out to some rough ground and had a few Haddock and rather chunky Mackerel.

Not often the North Sea treats us to such calm conditions. Hopefully back out again soon for another crack at the Bass.

I put a video together if anyone is interested.

Thanks Thrasher, they were certainly aggressive feeders on the lure I was using. I had many takes that I failed to capitalise on and a few that thew the hook near the boat.

I've fished Luce Bay on the kayak but hope to take Reel Time when the conditions are suitable. Thanks for watching, glad you enjoyed it.

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