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South West Reefing for a few hours.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
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Took my boy out on the mid bristol channel reefs just to get a few bites. Started at low. First cast lost a nice bass, looked to be 4 maybe 5lb. Boy then lands a nice eel 9lb9oz, then it's my turn with an eel of 11lb7oz. My lad then lands a bass of 5lb2oz, then has his hooks snapped twice by big eels. Then to rub salt into the wounds my boy then lands a tidy flounder after casting into one of the muddy spots as we were pushed off. Surprised there were no rays, but good to see some life in the channel after a long winter.
Nice one, Squiddy & Son! Nice Bass, and Eels - busy session. 🎣🎣👍👍
Nice little session there👍
Nice one bey I went green Leigh today chaseing arfter turbos but wind was a mare gusting all directions mates had a few small eys bass and a gert dog out I blanked 😢😢😢
Would give it another month myself. If only that the weather will improve a bit
More of a recce than anything else but kinda sussed the mark now 🤔
I fished out there today, absolute dog fest, must of had 20 of them at least. I did manage a 6lb3oz small eye and bumped another ray off. The wind was a nightmare, it's always a bit swirly, hitting from all directions, always the same out there. Once the dogs thin out it can be brilliant for numbers of rays, often get blonde, small eye and spotted in the same session. Ive even landed 4 rays in 4 casts on the same bait! Can be a good codling spot on the ebb, when there are codling about, hounds on low and first of the flood, plus huss to 12lb during may.