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Ulcers on Cod


Active member
Dec 16, 2023
Reaction score
South Shields
Favourite Fishing
As this is my first post i thought i would give you an obsevation i have noticed over the last couple of years. last week the conditions in my local area was spot on for a codling shot into the freezer and some lovely frozen crab i had gathered last summer. to cut the story short i fished a local spot and had three nice codling in the 3lb range. a few whiting later i hit into a nice codling 5lb 14ozes lovely fish but 2ulcers on one side and a large one on the other side about the size of a hens egg ? which went strait back into the sea.
this is becomming more common on the north east coast as many anglers from the area are reporting the same thing.
has anybody from other areas of the country noticed this or is it peculiar to my area ?
D.S.J 🦀
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Following several years of mass deaths of crab, lobster etc from the area around your neck of the woods, I’d be very surprised if the two were not related.
The pollution from the cleanup/dredging for the new port area has been responsible for the release of huge quantities of pollutants, despite the official announcement that all resulting pollution was minimal and safely removed.
As this is my first post i thought i would give you an obsevation i have noticed over the last couple of years. last week the conditions in my local area was spot on for a codling shot into the freezer and some lovely frozen crab i had gathered last summer. to cut the story short i fished a local spot and had three nice codling in the 3lb range. a few whiting later i hit into a nice codling 5lb 14ozes lovely fish but 2ulcers on one side and a large one on the other side about the size of a hens egg ? which went strait back into the sea.
this is becomming more common on the north east coast as many anglers from the area are reporting the same thing.
has anybody from other areas of the country noticed this or is it peculiar to my area ?
D.S.J 🦀
No cod down my way at the mo. 🎣 :confused:
Welcome to the forum 😃. From memory 2005 and 2009 were bad years for ulcerated cod.

Cod have been as rare as an honest politician since 2016 here in Kent.
If any escape from the northeast anglers up here a few might get there 😂
Should be plenty then, as most couldn't catch a Cold.. 🤣

Not seen or heard of any Cod being caught from the shore down here for years. There were some anglers reports from 2010, and this monster from 2014:

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