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North Wales Carpeted in Whiting.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
Few hours out on the beach again last night as I wanted to try out a little Black Friday purchase from Veals recently.

Sky Triangle Electricity Slope Wind

Worm and squid baits were on the menu as I alternated between a 3 hook flapper with pop up beads and a 2 hook loop rig.

Body jewelry Finger Gesture Creative arts Thumb

It was pretty much bites from the very first cast as over the next 3 hours the rod tip rattled away continually with either the obligatory Whiting caught or the hooks being stripped bare.

Fish Fin Fishing Ray-finned fish Water

With nothing but a seabed carpeted in Whiting on the menu 3/4’s of an hour after HW I called it a night, stunning evening with the beach to myself it was nice just getting out for a little while to escape the hectic Xmas build up.

Hopefully, with a couple of days leave over the next week I’ll fit another session in somewhere before the year is out. ?
Nice report.

Seems like whiting from S Coast up to N Wales at present with reports
At least you had plenty of action. ? What rod is it, and what did you think of it.?
How did you get on with your new purchase?
It’s nice, different to my usual setup but nice for fishing lighter with braid straight through. Good bite detection and a light/slim blank, nice rod for not a huge amount of money.
At least you had plenty of action. ? What rod is it, and what did you think of it.?
It’s a BlackRock Renaissance, lot of rod for not a lot of money really. I’d done a little homework on them as I wanted a 14’ Continental style rod. I do have a Leeda Icon FS Sport but at 15’ it can be a little too long at times and normally using multis didn’t want to spend a huge amount. First impressions are it’s really nice.
Any size to the whiting Kev ?

Nice taste to the whiting I find
Not really mate, all in the 6-8” range. Would have made good baits at another venue.
Nice fishing Kevin (y) and glad to hear that you're liking the new gear ;).
Bites a bite Shame nothing else turned up this time though