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South West Difference a week makes!


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all.
Had the week off from fishing, but with building tides Friday, I was keen again.... Itching to get out in fact!

I sorted some bait and went back to the new spot I tried last weekend.

Had to be loads of bass still there..... Right?? I was sure hoping so, similar weather, tides, bait, rigs.... A banker? ?

Well I know the channel fairly well, and the one thing that's a banker, is she is Boss!!!.... Every tide can be different!

Now I did have one little tiny worry..... Pest fish.... ?. This was going to be a very late session, and I'd found on the other odd late session you could get a visit from the flat rats ?
I do love the winged bandits (local term I believe) but not when after bass & sole.

Anyway, that was just a niggle deep in the brain and I was more than confident of finding some fish at least, hopefully a nice Sole ?

I arrived and saw a few lads out as I walked to the mark.... No one there and the reef had just started to uncover so perfect to fish 3 down and up, a couple hours extra ebb than last trip.
Baits out and fingers crossed.

It was a lovely evening quiet and almost zero wind... Just an offshore breeze.
Think 20 mins past then some tip movement, a steady pull and I wound down into a fish ?

I had a good weight on the end.... But soon realised what it was.... A pest... ?

OK... A nice fish.... But not tonight's target. IMG_20210917_205828_resize_46.jpg
Plenty of time... Hours in fact so glad to get off the mark really... I think ?

Fresh bait.... A wait, a rattle.... And a strap... Pest?..... Maybe.... Rebait.

Another rattle.... Def a pest! IMG_20210917_214616~2.jpg

Sorry for blur... It wouldn't stay still!

Now, my hopes of bass were drifting to the flood.... That's when I had them last trip.... So hopes still high at this point ?

Another bandit, then within seconds another on the other rod!.... Oh well a fish is a fish.

It then went dead over low like the last trip, right I thought fresh baits and come on bass! ????

The tide started to pull... And round went the tip.... Ah more than the tide that... And indeed another ray!..... Then another, and another ?

I carried on with hope dwindling, and time running out..... Surely that next cast would find a bass?.... Nope.

9 bandits later and 1 dropped I'd had enough... I was knackered!.... Only break from them was 3 straps and the ting.

Well what a night... 9 rays is a right result, not what I wanted, but days like that are rare even when targeting then... So although bass and sole-less I may have been... I was def a happy chappy ?

Cheers Si.
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Another great report & photos Si! Shame there were no signs of the target fish, but plenty of 'Rays of sunshine'! ??
Well done mate, but it seems ray are the new straps at the moment! ?

Trouble was everyone got stuck on a ridge!... Somehow I only dropped one after freeing it, but wasting so much time putting the rods back it the rests waiting for them to swim out was a nightmare! ?
I do love it when the rays 'switch on' like that. Just maybe not quite so good when you are targeting other species.
Still, better than a million pin whiting!