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South West MB for a dangle last night.


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
About time I put a report up!

Went out to Mountbatten last night with JM. Weather was kind to us - a bit chilly but it stayed dry. Arrived about 4pm and got set up - high tide was about 7pm.

Rigs were one set of baited Cod feathers (in search of that elusive Pollock), and I decided to try one of @kevothefish's excellent Pop-up rigs. Baits were Mackerel & Squid.
Very quiet on the fishing front, not much being caught at all. I did stop the blank with a first cast Whiting just under a Lb on the pop-up rig, but it went dead after that.
I'd somehow manged to get one line over t'other, so it was a bit difficult getting the Whiting in, and having unhooked it and putting it back as swiftly as I could, it was floating belly up for a while, so not sure if it survived. In my efforts to get it back quickly, I didn't get a photo.

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Very quiet on the catching front, despite refreshing baits and casting in slightly different areas. There were about 9 other groups of Anglers on the pier, so we couldn't get on the end where I'd hoped to be, and didn't see much else caught. As in the photo, there was an unusually large amount of Cargo vessels in & out, (think we counted 7) so John did wonder if that was why there weren't many Fish around.

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John had 2 Whiting a bit later, but that was it between us. Good enjoyable session, no tackle lost, and it stayed dry so that was a bonus this time of year. Good to catch up with John for a natter. Having decided to pack up at 8pm, we were talking to some other Anglers on the walk back to the car park. Much the same story from them - not much caught, a few reports of small strap conger, and a few Pout.
Yes it was a quiet night on the pier but we didn’t blank, I got 2 whiting to share between me and the dog , Dave had the first cast jinx 😃
Yep, I should have mentioned that! First cast Fish = no more Fish caught! 😁😁
Nice one Dave, nice to see you getting out mate, I blame JM for you only getting a first cast fish, and nothing after... 🤣 Great pics as well.🎣🎣

Tramp went fishing 😮😮😮 well done beys no blank and you got to spend time with jhon bey miss that little fella 😍 one of they reels looks familiar @Trampster 🤔
Haha! Same make & model, but the one I had before Tats! Yours is going to be respooled and put into use dreckly.
A mate who works for a powder coating company said he'd get the handle re-done for me as he owed me a favour.
It came back in a 'orribl;e electric Blue colour - no idea why? !!
Going to break out a Satin Black rattle can and give it another coat. 👍👍
Well done lads for giving it a go, shame the fish didn't play ball that much
Twas good to get out for a few casts Bob, shame you weren''t there!
The banter was good but would have improved if the 3 Musketeers were all present! 😁😁😁