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South West Proud dad moment in South Devon


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
After my foray two weeks ago with one of my fishing mad sons, I thought I would brave taking both of them for a session in Start Bay. In the lead up to the trip I showed them how to make basic two hook rigs and let them crack on knocking up 4 each. One of my sons thought that pop ups would be the way forward and his traces were duly adorned with a mass of pop up beads, I kept quiet my doubts as I want them to learn for themselves and enjoy experimenting.

There were still areas of flooding which made the journey a little slow and dodgy, but, when we arrived we were greeted by the sight of approx 200 birds diving About a mile off shore, sadly we didn’t see the hoped for tuna, but, what an incredible sight, absolutely love to see gannets diving!

The fishing wasn’t as hectic as two weeks ago, but, I put that down to a massive bright moon making it almost as bright as daylight. Still my two got on with it, hardly fought or argued at all and had great fun baiting up - got them double patting to maximise the fishing time - casting and unhooking most of the fish all by themselves. They had dogs, whiting, a mackerel and a scad, biggest dog was about 1lb 8oz and largest whiting was around 14oz. The pop up rigs worked a treat and caught the mackerel, scad and some whiting, so I had to eat humble pie.

To be fair the prospect of catching whiting and dogs on beach bottom gear doesn’t excite me that much anymore, however, taking two keen as mustard youngsters who get so excited watching the rods bang over with whiting really does make for a fabulous evening. Just need to work on their casting a bit so they can cast straight regularly and a little further so they have options.
Great report, well done every one on catching. We may get fed up with the Whiting onslaught but to the young ones its like catching a cod every cast :D