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South East Target for Tonight, or was it Morning?


I am the god of hell fire
Staff member
Sep 26, 2020
Reaction score
Is 3:30 am morning or night time?
I suppose it is technically morning, but as most people are still asleep, and sleeping is usually done at night time, 3:30am must still be night time?
All I know is, it is a stupid hour for the alarm clock to sound.
After much flailing of arms I located the source of the noise and mashing the screen with my hands silenced it. Right, back to sleep.
"Oi Mr, I thought you were getting up and making me a coffee?" My dreams of further sleep cruelly snatched away from me as I remembered Jax had to get up for work and I had indeed agreed to making the coffee.
The cold of the kitchen floor was a shock to my bare tootsies and I desperately tried to remember where I had left my slippers!
Now wide awake with coffee made and consumed I hatched a cunning plan. I would reignite my passion for angling with a bucket full of Dabs.

It was a plan with no drawbacks. I had some sticky black lug in the freezer, my gear was all ready to go and I was awake.

5am and I am grateful for the shelter offered from my beach buddy. It is cold, foggy and pitch black. The wind though gentle is from the North East and cuts through bare skin like a razor blade. Fortunately there is very little of that on show as I am wrapped up like an Eskimo, I even remembered my gloves! Ok, I remembered two right handed gloves and had to wear on the wrong way, but it did help maintain feeling in my fingers.
Toys for the day would be the same pair of 2500's and green mag elites from Thursdays trip.
Rigs were a simple size 2, 3 hook clip down affair baited with the aforementioned sticky black lug.
In an attempt to find the Dabs I started to fish one rod very close in, gradually working the distance further out and the other rod starting at distance gradually bringing it closer in on the subsequent casts.

As expected, a 15 minute soak produced a triple shot of sea rats. I got lucky next cast and only had two rats plus a stripped third hook!
As this was just a relaxing session, I was not double patting, simply winding in every 15 minutes or so, carefully unhooking the sea rats and releasing them before re-baiting and casting out again.
An hour in and a much needed cuppa was made. This sea rat catching is thirsty work you know!
Still no sign of any Dabs so I tried letting the lead move in the tide by not clipping the grip wires in place.
Nope, no good. Just more and more and more sea rats.
Now three hours in every cast bar two was a triple shot of rats.
At least it was now light enough to fish without a head torch!
I had had the beach to myself till the break of day, then gradually one by one the day anglers began to arrive, bringing the rain with them!
Four hours after starting and with the arrival of the the rain I called quits on the unsuccessful Dab hunt. Not a single Dab in 4 hours. Are they simply not there or are the rats just that little bit quicker to the bait? Or did I simply pick the wrong venue?
Who knows, Ill have to have a go mid week to try and find them!


Well....at least you caught something! I and a mate spent all day at Climping Beach in Sussex not too far from where I suspect you were fishing ....nada, nothing, nish!
Not even a bloody bite!

Nice report and at least not a blank.??
Unlucky on not catching your Dab , but well done on the rats , I think:unsure:, nice report tho:)
Unlucky Alex. I am too getting excited about the dabs, just need to find some daylight to target them which in my opinion there is a greater chance of finding them as the whiting go bonkers at night.

well done for getting up so early in that cold temp!
Top effort with probably inevitable results. Same story here in the Thames. There must be other species about but the whiting seem to be everywhere.
Nice report and pictures, well done getting out and catching a few fish.
I recognise that shingle, I think I recognise one of those whiting too. Well perhaps not, there a a few of them around.

Not missing the rats one little bit, still, a shame about the dabs. Dabs are one of my favourite fish, to target, catch and eat.