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Norway: That’s all folks!

Mr Fish

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
North Devon
Favourite Fishing
Sadly we’re all back home now, but here’s a wrap up of our last three days - the weather wasn’t too kind.

On Monday, we drifted the harbour for plaice but it was cold and miserable in the wind and snow.
Tat caught a nice rock… 6A2DF253-A34B-45C2-8C5F-A8AC5DEC0BB4.jpeg

And a weird squirty thing that looked like an organic fleshlight…


So we went in for a bit then out again to try the plaice bay that had been good to me before.

Lovely spot but no bites at all…


We tried off the point of the bay and had a few codling but decided it was time to head for home, ploughing through some nasty swell on the way back.

The forecast the next day was even worse so we finished off the booze that night, I fell off a ladder and much amusement was had by all until the early hours as we knew we wouldn’t be out that early.

In fact, it was teatime before it calmed down enough to go out. Oh, we could have done the outer harbour any time but it would have been miserable.

Armed with info from the camp guide we set about a few plaice drifts and after a slow start, Tat was finally in with a cracking 2lb 2.5oz dab…


I had a more modest 1lb 8 plaice (I know it looks smaller in the picture..) and then Tat had another nice plaice. I forget the weight but it was over 2 I think.


Ollie and Jonny got in the action, Ollie with a nice plaice and Jon had his first dab…


The weather turned and it got pretty cold again, but that was a cracking little session in the harbour.

Read on for more!
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Wednesday was our last day and the plan was to go out on the closer cod reefs first, mainly to try and get some coalies for bait, before heading around the corner to ‘halibooby bay’ for the last time.

It took a while but we got enough coalies in the end, then set off for the bay.
The swell was bad but as we approached the point before the bay, it became downright dangerous looking - up to 10 foot in places I’d say. When you can’t see land and sky any more it’s probably best to turn back.

After a discussion it became obvious all we could really do was return to the cod reef and do that. It wasn’t really in anyones plans for the day but the conditions and lack of time didn’t leave many options.

Now my tackle had arrived I wanted to use the Wight Water Lures and send creator David Cheal a few pictures if I could.

Well, they smashed it. The old style ‘Wight Wrecker’ was getting hit from the off…


I swapped to his new ‘Super Saury’ lure and that was getting hammered as soon as it touched the seabed.


I also lost a cracking fish, suspect a cod probably over 30lb easy.

Tat had a few nice cod on a pink Wight-In lure too…


Then I had what I thought at first due to the good fight was a reasonable cod, but it turned out to be a baby halibooby!


Ollie had two stonking turdfish, this being the smaller of the two ?


We were all pretty cold and fishing in that swell was hard work, so we decided to head in for a visit to the shop and refuel the boat for the last time, then do a couple of hours in the harbour for plaice.

We did the fuel and shop but no one really wanted to fish on, it was just too cold, so we called it a day a bit early.
I might regret that on another day but at the time everyone was happy with that, including me!

Anyway, we had stuff to pack, the boat to clean, etc etc.

Had a last chat with the camp owner Daniel, who was pleased with the boat clean and said it was better than when he gave it to us, plus he didn’t charge me for the use of their rod and reel all week, which was appreciated!

A lovely spot, a cracking week and we’ll definitely be back, hopefully in 2024!

Another brilliant report Tony, cracking photos, and well done on the Flatties & Cod! Sounds like all of you Guys had a good trip, considering the weather wasn't at it's kindest. ?? (y) (y)
Great report mate. Shame the weather didn't play nice. The pics make the four of you look like some kind of fishing "boy band", obviously you're the deep thinking moody band member going by the lack of smiles ?
I take it Molly cat was really happy to have you return home.
Great report mate. Shame the weather didn't play nice. The pics make the four of you look like some kind of fishing "boy band", obviously you're the deep thinking moody band member going by the lack of smiles ?
I take it Molly cat was really happy to have you return home.
And I’m the sexy one that the young girls throw their underwear at
Great report mate. Shame the weather didn't play nice. The pics make the four of you look like some kind of fishing "boy band", obviously you're the deep thinking moody band member going by the lack of smiles ?
I take it Molly cat was really happy to have you return home.
Yep, I’m the slightly nerdy but strangely compelling one the girls all secretly like!

And yes, I’m not allowed out of sight for longer than five minutes it seems ?
Yep, I’m the slightly nerdy but strangely compelling one the girls all secretly like!

And yes, I’m not allowed out of sight for longer than five minutes it seems ?

Rumour on the Dark side that you had eloped with LHP! She's not been seen for 10 days apparently. Oooh, nor has CFish? ???
Fantastic trip good bunch of lads to go with thanks to tony for organising it Ollie for sorting the flights and baggage and jhon bey for haveing no social boundaries ??????ps if any of you lads ever get to go drinking with either Ollie or jhonny do not try to go drink for drink with them they will destroy you and if there’s any ladders around do not drink with mr fish he will destroy himself ? orso thanks to this trip I now have an unhealthy obsession with halibut and will from now on be useing any strap congers as worm baits and any bass as dead baits all fish pale in comparison to the mighty streriod flounder ????
Fantastic trip good bunch of lads to go with thanks to tony for organising it Ollie for sorting the flights and baggage and jhon bey for haveing no social boundaries ??????ps if any of you lads ever get to go drinking with either Ollie or jhonny do not try to go drink for drink with them they will destroy you and if there’s any ladders around do not drink with mr fish he will destroy himself ? orso thanks to this trip I now have an unhealthy obsession with halibut and will from now on be useing any strap congers as worm baits and any bass as dead baits all fish pale in comparison to the mighty streriod flounder ????
The halibooby will haunt your dreams for 2 years now