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North Wales It was back……


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2020
Reaction score
…… to the bait fishing last night after Monday night’s luring, myself and a couple of mates had arranged another session targeting the local Smoothound ?.

We’d decided on a mark that requires around a 25min walk, not too bad as it’s a pretty easy enough one though maybe a little tougher on the way back depending on how the fishing goes! ?

Anyway, armed with some crab ? and squid ? and travelling light we were soon at our chosen venue, hopes high whilst we setup. 424A4CA7-F98C-4274-B2D6-86DA8B07DBA1.jpeg
Those hopes soon turned as each of our first casts produced mounds of weed and we all wondered had the walk been worth it?

2nd cast in and I’m quietly sat on a rock behind the rod not paying much interest when not only does the ratchet start sounding off but both the rod and rest are pulled over! Zzzzzzzzzz and it’s fish on! ?

These fish really do scrap well and shortly afterwards my first hound of the evening is landed, a lovely conditioned common.

Couple of cast later and a change to a squid bait produces another good run and with a little hand my second hound and 1st Starry is landed. Quick piccy and back she goes. 0293000E-EF40-4D5F-A9F9-D9E8DFEB772C.jpeg
We’d seemed to hit a purple patch as all of us were getting fish with one of the lads landing a lovely common just shy of 9lbs that must have had a little Mako in it as it decided to go airborne on a couple of occasions ?

Anyway, a short while later I’m into another run and land my 3rd and 2nd Starry of the session. Quick piccy as always before being released. 3B366BD7-6E8B-4D13-AFEF-9F4028E35A70.jpeg
Strangely though as darkness fell proper the feeding well and truly tapered off which was a shame as I normally find here it gets better usually when it’s dark.

With no complaints, though we did have to wait until the tide receded enough to get off the mark we ended the session with 11 hounds all between 5-9lb between us.

Definitely worth the effort ????
Great session all, with some cracking hounds caught ?.
Well done Kevin
I thought hounds were the starry and non starry, according to our spieces hunt guys
Well done Kevin
I thought hounds were the starry and non starry, according to our spieces hunt guys
Cheers mate……

Yeah, the non-starry are the common type according to some though I’ve also seen that UK waters only hold the starry it just depends weather they have the markings or not ?‍♂️ Like you mentioned above.