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South West Surprising session.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
Reaction score
Thursday 9th February...seemed an ordinary day, light winds and a bit of sunshine. Perfect for a last quick session before I'm off for a few weeks in the sun ☀️ (lucky bugger I know 😎), anyway I wasn't expecting much as it's been very poor lately, and last trip on the mark two weeks ago I couldn't buy a bite!

I arrived to find all the spots in sight empty...that's a good start I thought as I was late, and quickly made my way out to a bit of Reef.
There was a slight cross shore breeze but nothing too bad and quite warm.

Rods set up and out went an anchovy I'd found in the freezer, and a squid on the 2nd rod. I was then just watching the line on the 2nd rod come round in the tide and the tip start to bend, when strangely it just kept going over??....odd I thought.
Oh it's a bite!!....bit slow at times me 😂

A ray popped up on the surface...happy days, blank saved.
I landed it and put the rod back on the rest and then noticed the other line was totally slack....nooo
I frantically wound the slack in, and eventually felt a smallish fish...turned out to be a codling around 2.5lb, with a rather large bite out the top of its back ☹️

So 5 mins in two fish landed....what a change from the last trip!

Fresh baits went out and it then went quiet till the tide turned. This is normally the best time, and like clockwork a ratchet started to click.
A 2nd ray was soon landed, a similar size to the first 6lb-ish.

Then a 3rd, a 4th....they kept coming all a similar size 5-7lb. After 8 rays i changed one rod to worm, it went quiet for 20 min then the worm rod smashed over, and pretty sure I had a reasonable bass on. Unfortunately as this got close to the reef it bumped the bottom and came off ...bugger!

Fresh worm went out.

I was intently watching the worm rod, when over went the squid rod again....I wound down, tightened the drag, and lifted into the fish.... instantly the rod kicked and was pulled down almost flat as the fish took some line off a tight drag!

This was a much better fish , it held its ground thumping the rod for some time before it finally started to come it. I thought big ray or conger, as I started to gain line ...then it was gone....Ah bugger...hate it when fish drop off.

The bait was smashed, and it was either a very big ray, or more probably a big conger...if it was, that's the 3rd big one I've lost this winter ...the last two taking whole dogfish!!
Sad to end the session like that, but my bit of rock was almost underwater....so time to go.
Cheers PXL_20230209_154153750~4_op8GuWCJ93.jpeg
Ah I forgot to say, while I was fishing a mate messaged and had just caught a massive pb pike of 24lb+, then later another lad I know had 3 x30lb carp to 35lb.....then a couple of other lads had massive fish abroad....the strange thing was we had all been struggling the days up to Thursday...quite bazaar I thought... As the weather and pressure hadn't really changed 🤷
Congrats on the fish si im sure we will hear about your warm weather fishing exploits at some point. Got to love a ray or two. 👍
Nice report & photos as always Si. Some pretty Rays there. 🎣🎣👍👍
Congrats on the fish si im sure we will hear about your warm weather fishing exploits at some point. Got to love a ray or two. 👍
Away with the misses, so not sure I'll get to wet a line....... although there are some monster freshwater fish near where we land, and rods for hire 🤔..... maybe they may have a space as it's off season .....don't tell the wife 🤫
That is a cracking ray session. Us mere mortals are chuffed with the odd one! Have a good time in the sun.
I'm just lucky my close marks are full of rays on a good day....it's just being there at the right time....not easy if your not local.

Hope the injuries are getting better Goatee 🤞
I'm just lucky my close marks are full of rays on a good day....it's just being there at the right time....not easy if your not local.

Hope the injuries are getting better Goatee 🤞
Two weeks in now. Doing more and getting off the pain killers that help me sleep, cause they affect my dodgy tubes. Reckon l might try some gentle pier mini fishing this week.