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Lures with rattles


Well-known member
Dec 27, 2020
Reaction score
West Sussex
Favourite Fishing
Has anyone tried lures with rattles, if so were they any good?
Found them very effective.Apparently sound travels faster under water than in Air.Have used some that also have various coloured lights that activate when immersed in water.
Thanks for the info, be interesting to see what type/make you get (y)
I am no lure angler, but have chucked quite a few surface lures around and had a few Bass, the lure that did work did have a rattling ball bearing type thingy inside and when I was “walking the dog” it seemed to spark interest, I also used a non rattler which I had no luck with.

Maybe it was the rattle, maybe there were no fish there for the silent lure, I dont know, but I do know which one worked.

As we know they don't but the lures still work,why?who knows.
2 knots behind a boat with sandeels worked back in 60's &70's. caught a few bass etc from the shore (no rattles) never found any which light up under water though. Hence the question.
They rattle when in your hand and they shake them, do they rattle underwater ? Had the same with mega expensive marlin lures years back until a sportfishing club in Florida somewhere ran the rattle lures out the back along with a listening device / mike, result, not a sound.
a sportfishing club in Florida somewhere ran the rattle lures out the back along with a listening device / mike, result, not a sound.
Suppose with the constant forward motion of the boat it forces the ballbearings/rattles to stay in one place hence no noise.Cast one out from the shore or boat and pause and restart the retrieve the ballbearings will roll about causing it to rattle.
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Suppose with the constant forward motion of the boat it forces the ballbearings/rattles to stay in one place hence no noise.Cast one out from the shore or boat and pause and restart the retrieve the ballbearings will roll about causing it to rattle.

Could well be. I`ve caught an awful lot of salmon over 50+ years on lures, not one had a rattle. Same goes for cuda, bluefish and bonito from the shore.
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They rattle when in your hand and they shake them, do they rattle underwater ? Had the same with mega expensive marlin lures years back until a sportfishing club in Florida somewhere ran the rattle lures out the back along with a listening device / mike, result, not a sound.
I’ve wondered that. The whole dynamics of physics changes underwater so do they actually make a sound?
You can hear the BB's rattling when retrieving some topwater WTD lures and personally I'm convinced that bass can hear/feel via their lateral line too. Not that it's always a good thing as sometimes a 'silent' lure will out fish a rattler and at times I'm sure a rattle will actually put fish off! Lures like Rapala J11/13, Sliver, Delta eel, Redgill etc etc don’t have a rattle but have been catching for decades. In some lures the BB's are there as part of weight transfer casting aids.
Just like depth, speed, size, colour etc I think you've got to mix it up and find what they want at a particular time and if/when they stop wanting that then you've got to start the process of elimination over again or move to find fish that are feeding/can be stimulated to attack. Bass, like all fish, are not continually on the feed/hunt 24/7/365
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The Savage Gear Panic Prey surface lures have a rattle in them. Had a couple of schoolies on mine, but to be honest, I don't know if the rattle makes any difference or not.