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South West South West. Chesil

fishing hobbit

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2022
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Well dave and I arrived at freshwater about half twelve couldn't check in till 3. So had a mouch about and found westbay angling shop,very pleasant and helpful gave us some mark's to fish and i bought a new imax fr shelter £99:99. Happy with that,ten miles away another shop wanted £189:99!!!!! Anyway back to check in and look round headed to the beach, lots of weed but fishable , lucky Dave was first into a fish nice bream then a cod and another one!! Me still fishless, into darkness dave into another bream i had my first one a dogfish then a pout. Called it a night at 11pm. One long day as I picked dave up at 6am. Tuesday we fished abbotsbury lucky Dave was first into a fish,very nice bream and another and another and another and another,lost a set,by now i had lost a set,oohh my first one lovely looking bream and another one lost another set,dave pulled in his set with mine!! Once untangled i rebaited mine and left dave to cut his up. I lost another set. I had a another bream followed by a bass last fish a tiny pout! Think it's a day off as the high shingle nearly killed me! Happy fishing everyone
Well dave and I arrived at freshwater about half twelve couldn't check in till 3. So had a mouch about and found westbay angling shop,very pleasant and helpful gave us some mark's to fish and i bought a new imax fr shelter £99:99. Happy with that,ten miles away another shop wanted £189:99!!!!! Anyway back to check in and look round headed to the beach, lots of weed but fishable , lucky Dave was first into a fish nice bream then a cod and another one!! Me still fishless, into darkness dave into another bream i had my first one a dogfish then a pout. Called it a night at 11pm. One long day as I picked dave up at 6am. Tuesday we fished abbotsbury lucky Dave was first into a fish,very nice bream and another and another and another and another,lost a set,by now i had lost a set,oohh my first one lovely looking bream and another one lost another set,dave pulled in his set with mine!! Once untangled i rebaited mine and left dave to cut his up. I lost another set. I had a another bream followed by a bass last fish a tiny pout! Think it's a day off as the high shingle nearly killed me! Happy fishing everyone
Here's some pics of my fish IMG_20230926_191838_874.jpgIMG-20230925-WA0012.jpegIMG_20230926_185922_380.jpg


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Nice report & photos Marty - well done you guys! 🎣🎣👍👍
Sounds like a cracking time, the guys in West Bay Angling are superb, one of them is called Dave Chidzoy, lovely helpful bloke and so knowledgable.

Hope you can get some more fishing after this storm, enjoy yourselves.
Sounds like a cracking time, the guys in West Bay Angling are superb, one of them is called Dave Chidzoy, lovely helpful bloke and so knowledgable.

Hope you can get some more fishing after this storm, enjoy yourselves.
+1 for W Bay Angling. Excellent shop.
Great reports mate, nice mixed bag of fish too. Lovely pics... 🎣 🎣

Well it was abbotsbury again yesterday, lots of anglers, didn't see much come off, dogfish and a strap further to my left.dave as usual was first into a pout of which he had 4 plus a dog and a strap. Into darkness and I had a dog first one today followed by a tiny pout which went out as live bait,nah nothing touched it. Dave said what time u want pack up i said 8 o'clock what's the time now five to 8! Started fishing at 3pm packed up at 8:30.
It's now 6:35am and getting ready to go home.
Productive trip nah not for the hrs we put in.
Until next time
Stay safe
Thxs For the Reports Marty I suppose it's hit and Miss down there I be only Fishing along the Freshwater stretch of Beach hopefully I can get few out have Safe journey home 👍