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South West Bristol Channel 20/10/20


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Ventured out Tuesday night to a nearby mark to fish high tide to fish 2hrs up and whatever I could down.

Not been out a lot lately and having had 4 blanks if you ignore a few fish finger sized whiting I was keen to find a fish or two. Got myself some dug rag from reel fun in Portishead, very decent chunky rag I must say, some were longer than my baiting needle and chunky to boot. Along side some squid and bluey for the big bait.

Had bites from the off with a 8lb 7oz thornback to start me off, followed by a roughly 4lb strap that escaped as I lifted it by the shock leader out of the water.
The big bait rod continued to do the business and had a roughly 5lb thorny (didn't weigh), 6lb 10 thorny and then a 7lb 10 thorny.

The rag rod could only catch whiting it seems! 2 around 9oz and 2 tiny ones. Shame as the rag was lovely!

All in all an enjoyable session. Though landing those fish solo on the rocks is rather dangerous in the dark and rain! (Less so the whiting....). No monsters, but welcome none the less!

Tried to upload photos but it's not playing ball! Edit, managed a few!
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Great report thanks.
Some nice thornies ?
Great result Bacon. A nice session to end a bad run. Lovely looking thornies and good sizes too. Well done mate. I have a few days coming up in November down there and would be more than happy with one thornback like those!
I ended "dunce mode" and inserted the images.

A run of blanks does make a busy session rather more enjoyable and appreciated! The strange thing is that last year 4 decent thornies like this would have been expected regularly, but my regular marks this way have been a bit fruitless this spring/summer aside the odd decent bass. So it was a welcome session for sure.
Tidy rays fella! Cod next! Cod are being caught off a channel mark called the tanks??? Boat angling,think out of mine head? Have to go through lockgates?
Tidy rays fella! Cod next! Cod are being caught off a channel mark called the tanks??? Boat angling,think out of mine head? Have to go through lockgates?

Only tanks I can think of are the gas tanks off Avonmouth?? Only done one charter boat and it was out of portishead marina on Chris Buxton's boat, have to go through the marina lock gates to get out to sea. Could be that?

We fished off of those tanks for cod.
Only tanks I can think of are the gas tanks off Avonmouth?? Only done one charter boat and it was out of portishead marina on Chris Buxton's boat, have to go through the marina lock gates to get out to sea. Could be that?

We fished off of those tanks for cod.
That might be it? I will find out for you