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North West Blackpool Low Water 4-4-21

Huss Hustler

Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
Hi folks,
Though the weather was'nt ideal (keen N/NE breeze) the easing of travel restrictions, the fact i have'nt wet a line since October & my better half (Donna) also keen to wet a line spurred me into throwing the gear together & hitting the beach.
With low tide around 10.40pm we'd made the 40 minute journey & were on the beach set up ready to go for a little after 8.30pm.20210403_212738.jpg
Whilst tackling up i'd noticed the tell tale breaking waves of a hidden sandbar 60 yards or so out in front of us. After an exploratory wade out & finding the water covering the bar was only a foot or so deep i made the decision we'd fish off that, i knew we'd at least 90 minutes before the tide turned so probably 2 & 1/2 hours or so "safe" fishing.
The 1st Bluey/Squid wraps were sent out on 5/0 pulley rigs then it was time to settle back with a brew. No sooner had my coffee been poured & the rod tip springs back then starts doing the Feckin Doggie nod- i'd already thrown my coffee down by the time it started nodding???
Not what i was really after but it beat the blank20210404_153551.jpg
Fresh baits were sent out & a fresh brew poured.
It was Donna's turn to "be disturbed" this time as her rod tip was rattling away. On reeling in a greedy Whiting was revealed as the culprit.
After that our baits remained untouched till well after low water so we decided to sack it, reeling in my last cast i managed to double my tally with another Doggie.
Tight lines.
Hi folks,
By Eck Rick that Tower is one hell of a beacon to head for,couldn't miss that in the dark.Bit of a quiet session for you there pal,but it's better than mine sat here reading your post.Does the good lady go with you regular or was she there to hold your hand in the dark.??
By Eck Rick that Tower is one hell of a beacon to head for,couldn't miss that in the dark.Bit of a quiet session for you there pal,but it's better than mine sat here reading your post.Does the good lady go with you regular or was she there to hold your hand in the dark.??

Hiya Dave,
You're not wrong there mate, got a beacon to head for both ways- the Tower on the way in & the TV mast on Winter Hill on the way home
Re the missus- it's a bit of both ???.
All joking aside she fishes fairly regularily but she's more a Summer/fair weather angler.
Tight lines.
Great report and pics Rick.

I want to get out and fish low water soon, but admit I am a bit nervous given the speed of the tide and the gullies.

If you ever fancy showing a novice how to do it safely, give me a shout!!

Steve :)
Great report and pics Rick.

I want to get out and fish low water soon, but admit I am a bit nervous given the speed of the tide and the gullies.

If you ever fancy showing a novice how to do it safely, give me a shout!!

Steve :)

Hiya Steve,
No problems, i'd be glad to mate.
Give it a few weeks for the fishing to get going properly, i'll peruse the tide tables for some smallish tides & the Weather Gods willing we'll get a sesh sorted.
You'll defo need a set of waders though- more for wading out to cast than anything else, as being so flat & shallow distance often pays dividends.
Hiya Steve,
No problems, i'd be glad to mate.
Give it a few weeks for the fishing to get going properly, i'll peruse the tide tables for some smallish tides & the Weather Gods willing we'll get a sesh sorted.
You'll defo need a set of waders though- more for wading out to cast than anything else, as being so flat & shallow distance often pays dividends.
Cheers Rick, would love that. Have some waders :LOL: :LOL: .
a result all the same ? looks a canny night to be out

Cheers for reading grinner.
Blank beaten & yeah was a decent enough night to be out mate. Tbh as it was nearly 6 months since i'd wet a line i'd have still gone if it'd been p1ssing down.
Trying to talk the missus into me/us wetting a line this weekend (work in progress at the mo) so hopefully round 2 coming up.
Tight lines.
nice one hustler... do u even need a head torch with those lights haha

Hiya Had1,
Cheers & lol mate. Have to admit along that stretch i only really use/need my headlight for baiting up & reeling in & even then i use the red led, only really need main beam if i'm lucky enough to hook a lump.
Tight lines.
Cracking photo :)
Hi folks,
Though the weather was'nt ideal (keen N/NE breeze) the easing of travel restrictions, the fact i have'nt wet a line since October & my better half (Donna) also keen to wet a line spurred me into throwing the gear together & hitting the beach.
With low tide around 10.40pm we'd made the 40 minute journey & were on the beach set up ready to go for a little after 8.30pm.View attachment 8118
Whilst tackling up i'd noticed the tell tale breaking waves of a hidden sandbar 60 yards or so out in front of us. After an exploratory wade out & finding the water covering the bar was only a foot or so deep i made the decision we'd fish off that, i knew we'd at least 90 minutes before the tide turned so probably 2 & 1/2 hours or so "safe" fishing.
The 1st Bluey/Squid wraps were sent out on 5/0 pulley rigs then it was time to settle back with a brew. No sooner had my coffee been poured & the rod tip springs back then starts doing the Feckin Doggie nod- i'd already thrown my coffee down by the time it started nodding???
Not what i was really after but it beat the blankView attachment 8117
Fresh baits were sent out & a fresh brew poured.
It was Donna's turn to "be disturbed" this time as her rod tip was rattling away. On reeling in a greedy Whiting was revealed as the culprit.
After that our baits remained untouched till well after low water so we decided to sack it, reeling in my last cast i managed to double my tally with another Doggie.
Tight lines.
Is that the soccer team lineup? sorry couldn't resist. :oops::unsure: