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Advice on Reel


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
Sorting all my tackle out today.
Trying to get lure, bait and boat stuff separate and in some order.
I think i have only bought 3 reels in the last 40 years, the ones i am using were "free" with years subscription to fishing mag.
A mate offered me out on his boat so one of the boat reels i use has a bit of rough line, so i found this new unused reel, but never used this type.

It is a Lineaeffe JD300 Trolling Series.

A few questions;

1. I take it the black star wheel is the drag.
2. The silver lever is the free wheel to allow line and trace to be lowered in the sea.
3. What does the silver round thing between the black star wheel and reel body do (it will turn)?
3. Is this a left hand reel, fitted underside of the rod?
4. And winds kack handed backwards to me (i am right handed and reel with my right hand clockwise to wind in) in a clockwise direction?
5. If using right handed will the rod have to be upside down?
6. Is this reel ok to use as i do for mackerel in about 40ft of water and same for heavier fish and deeper?
7. Is the line threaded from spool through the moving/sliding part on bar in front of spool?
A few questions;

1. I take it the black star wheel is the drag.
2. The silver lever is the free wheel to allow line and trace to be lowered in the sea.
3. What does the silver round thing between the black star wheel and reel body do (it will turn)?
3. Is this a left hand reel, fitted underside of the rod?
4. And winds kack handed backwards to me (i am right handed and reel with my right hand clockwise to wind in) in a clockwise direction?
5. If using right handed will the rod have to be upside down?
6. Is this reel ok to use as i do for mackerel in about 40ft of water and same for heavier fish and deeper?
7. Is the line threaded from spool through the moving/sliding part on bar in front of spool?

Ever thought of golf ??

1) Black star wheel is the drag
2) Free spool lever to allow line out
3) Spool tensioner (screw in will tighten on the spool, screw out vice versa)
4) Reel is right handed used on top of the rod (FFS)
6) Yes
7) FFS FFS FFS It`s the level wind, line comes off the spool and through it before going to rod.
A few questions;

1. I take it the black star wheel is the drag.
2. The silver lever is the free wheel to allow line and trace to be lowered in the sea.
3. What does the silver round thing between the black star wheel and reel body do (it will turn)?
3. Is this a left hand reel, fitted underside of the rod?
4. And winds kack handed backwards to me (i am right handed and reel with my right hand clockwise to wind in) in a clockwise direction?
5. If using right handed will the rod have to be upside down?
6. Is this reel ok to use as i do for mackerel in about 40ft of water and same for heavier fish and deeper?
7. Is the line threaded from spool through the moving/sliding part on bar in front of spool?

Ever thought of golf ??

1) Black star wheel is the drag
2) Free spool lever to allow line out
3) Spool tensioner (screw in will tighten on the spool, screw out vice versa)
4) Reel is right handed used on top of the rod (FFS)
6) Yes
7) FFS FFS FFS It`s the level wind, line comes off the spool and through it before going to rod.
FFS Stan ease up FFS:p:p

o_O Yes i had a VW Golf:LOL::LOL:

4. o_O:unsure:FFS What if you want to wind with your left hand. Just asking for a friend?

Thanks for the answers(y)(y)(y)

Right now FFS i am definetely going down club tomorrow night to watch the game and will delight in beating you:LOL::LOL:????
FFS Stan ease up FFS:p:p

o_O Yes i had a VW Golf:LOL::LOL:

4. o_O:unsure:FFS What if you want to wind with your left hand. Just asking for a friend?

Thanks for the answers(y)(y)(y)

Right now FFS i am definetely going down club tomorrow night to watch the game and will delight in beating you:LOL::LOL:????
If you want to wind with your left hand, you’ll need a different reel. Multis are designed to be used on top of the rod.

If you use that rod and reel upside down and wind cackhanded, the TSF crew have a very specialist set of skills. They will hunt you down, they will find you, and they will…

Lock you in a room with Joe Carp and Landlocked for an entire week…
FFS Stan ease up FFS:p:p

o_O Yes i had a VW Golf:LOL::LOL:

4. o_O:unsure:FFS What if you want to wind with your left hand. Just asking for a friend?

Thanks for the answers(y)(y)(y)

Right now FFS i am definetely going down club tomorrow night to watch the game and will delight in beating you:LOL::LOL:????

Buy a left hand wind reel
Buy a left hand wind reel
A bit serious now.

As i said i am right handed and reel in with my right hand.
Most reels i have seen on charters are left reel and i have read r/h ders use left reel wind, is this so?

Also why do the Multi have to use with rod upside down?
That is odd to me!
FFS Stan ease up FFS:p:p

o_O Yes i had a VW Golf:LOL::LOL:

4. o_O:unsure:FFS What if you want to wind with your left hand. Just asking for a friend?

Thanks for the answers(y)(y)(y)

Right now FFS i am definetely going down club tomorrow night to watch the game and will delight in beating you:LOL::LOL:????
Stan, well done Scotland on the result.
4 pints of guiness wasted tonight.

Going to watch friendly tomorrow in 3rd tier of welsh football for a bit more excitment
A bit serious now.

As i said i am right handed and reel in with my right hand.
Most reels i have seen on charters are left reel and i have read r/h ders use left reel wind, is this so?

Also why do the Multi have to use with rod upside down?
That is odd to me!
I`d say that around 90+% of reels I`ve seen on charters are right hand wind, local boats to marlin sportfishers. I`m right handed and wind with my right hand except on fixed spool underneath when I wind left hand. I can use a left hand multiplier but dont like it, seems alien, the boat in FV has all reels left hand as the dumb skipper is left handed and thinks everybody is the same.

The rod is not "upside down" for multi, it is the correct way up for multi i.e. guides facing the sky. Even on light baitcasters the guides are up. Guides are also placed different on the blank for multi V fixed spool. Why that happens, no idea has simply always been that way, (well I know why the guides are placed different but no idea why the entire reel up reel down started)
Unless you are dropping off a boat using a level wind.
But even dropping using a levelwind, you normally need to apply a little thumb control to prevent potential overruns I find?
Plus having the multi upright gives easy access to the drag, spool release etc.
I’d find it as cackhanded as hell trying to use a reel upside down.
But even dropping using a levelwind, you normally need to apply a little thumb control to prevent potential overruns I find?
Plus having the multi upright gives easy access to the drag, spool release etc.
I’d find it as cackhanded as hell trying to use a reel upside down.
Totally agree, not disputing it merely an observation re what JLD posted. Now go sober up and stop niggling me on the other side.

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