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West Coast A few fish from Scotland trip, Carradale.

Hurrah!! Someone has been out fishing in Scotland!

Nice varied bag Rich. Cormorant bastid has had a go at one sea trout though.
Yea had speared it good and proper.
Some nice sport you had there and some inspiring photos.
We don't see enough reports from Carradale.
Yea great fishing off the to the left of Carradale point for coley and pollock this time of year and at the other end of the beach you have the Carradale river which the seatrout run in and out with the tide until there is enough water for them to head up stream and the wild brownies are from Tangy loch just up from campbeltown, been heading for same area for around 8 years now, late May and September when the midges are not out in force (y)
That was just a selection of pictures, had around 25 Coley and 7 Pollock in the 2 visits to the rocks, had 3 seatrout in 2 visits to the river and had 12 wild brownies on first visit to Tangy and i know it sounds bonkers but 34 brownies on second visit to Tangy, alot are only very small but all the same lovely to catch real wild brownies (y)
I sometimes get quite close to Carradale on largely exploratory trips out of Ardrossan on my boat but never quite made it all the way.
Pladda is a little further in the opposite direction for me and usually doesn't disappoint.
I might take the boat for a run up to Carradale this year.
I would like to try it from the shore too, but it is such a trek from Ayrshire by road.
I sometimes get quite close to Carradale on largely exploratory trips out of Ardrossan on my boat but never quite made it all the way.
Pladda is a little further in the opposite direction for me and usually doesn't disappoint.
I might take the boat for a run up to Carradale this year.
I would like to try it from the shore too, but it is such a trek from Ayrshire by road.
Ive had plenty of flounder off the shore but nothing else, didnt try this visit. Supposed to be some big conger off the point aswell but it would eat your gear trying off the rocks so never bothered trying.
That was just a selection of pictures, had around 25 Coley and 7 Pollock in the 2 visits to the rocks, had 3 seatrout in 2 visits to the river and had 12 wild brownies on first visit to Tangy and i know it sounds bonkers but 34 brownies on second visit to Tangy, alot are only very small but all the same lovely to catch real wild brownies (y)
You might get the bigger brownies fishing into dark they are normally not so shy of taking a fly in the dark. Probably the sea trout gene in them all.
You might get the bigger brownies fishing into dark they are normally not so shy of taking a fly in the dark. Probably the sea trout gene in them all.
I have stayed for the evening rise but so many small brownies in there its hard to get through them, im guessing with the amount of fish in there its very competitive for what food there is hence the small growth, i have fished other Lochs in the area but they tend to be stocked and that isnt my cup of tea anymore, would rather catch small truly wild fish now (y)
Yea great fishing off the to the left of Carradale point for coley and pollock this time of year and at the other end of the beach you have the Carradale river which the seatrout run in and out with the tide until there is enough water for them to head up stream and the wild brownies are from Tangy loch just up from campbeltown, been heading for same area for around 8 years now, late May and September when the midges are not out in force (y)
Superb pics and great report Rich. I was going to ask you about the midges as we are planning a trip later in the year to Scotland but you have answered in the above post.

I have only been once before, on a school trip to Edinburgh and wife has never been so it will certainly be something different.
Superb pics and great report Rich. I was going to ask you about the midges as we are planning a trip later in the year to Scotland but you have answered in the above post.

I have only been once before, on a school trip to Edinburgh and wife has never been so it will certainly be something different.
Late May early June is always fine for midges and then late August September always fine, the area i go is coastal so dont tend to get the same problems with the midges, inland by lochs might be different. Highly recommend Avon skin so soft as midge and mozi protection (y)
Late May early June is always fine for midges and then late August September always fine, the area i go is coastal so dont tend to get the same problems with the midges, inland by lochs might be different. Highly recommend Avon skin so soft as midge and mozi protection (y)
You're kidding about the midges.! You're safeish October-April. Being coastal doesn't offer any protection from or decrease in volumes of the wee barsteward either. The front door of our house is less than 200m from the shore, go outside without a full midge net on in the evening and you will be eaten alive inside of 5mins. Avon stuff is nowhere near as effective as it used to be about 20yr ago (they changed the formula) Jungle formula seems to attract them.! I've found "Smidge" is the most effective, doesn’t stop them landing on you or enveloping you in a cloud of them but it does dramatically reduce the amount of bites.
Late May early June is always fine for midges and then late August September always fine, the area i go is coastal so dont tend to get the same problems with the midges, inland by lochs might be different. Highly recommend Avon skin so soft as midge and mozi protection (y)
Cheers mate. Late August/early September is exactly the time we are planning to go. All the school kids will hopefully have gone back to school by then. We will be looking for places near to the coast too. Not sure where yet but I plan to sit down with a map and try and choose two or three areas where we can then hopefully spend four or five days in each. (Dependant on finding accommodation)

Good tip about the cream too. Thanks.
You're kidding about the midges.! You're safeish October-April. Being coastal doesn't offer any protection from or decrease in volumes of the wee barsteward either. The front door of our house is less than 200m from the shore, go outside without a full midge net on in the evening and you will be eaten alive inside of 5mins. Avon stuff is nowhere near as effective as it used to be about 20yr ago (they changed the formula) Jungle formula seems to attract them.! I've found "Smidge" is the most effective, doesn’t stop them landing on you or enveloping you in a cloud of them but it does dramatically reduce the amount of bites.
You posted this just as I was posting my post above. Got me worried now Warby!
You're kidding about the midges.! You're safeish October-April. Being coastal doesn't offer any protection from or decrease in volumes of the wee barsteward either. The front door of our house is less than 200m from the shore, go outside without a full midge net on in the evening and you will be eaten alive inside of 5mins. Avon stuff is nowhere near as effective as it used to be about 20yr ago (they changed the formula) Jungle formula seems to attract them.! I've found "Smidge" is the most effective, doesn’t stop them landing on you or enveloping you in a cloud of them but it does dramatically reduce the amount of bites.
As i said i can only speak for the area i go and for the last 7 or 8 years i have never had a problem with them at the times of year i go. Loch long area is a totally different kettle of fish if we stop off there on the way, they are animals around there and eat you alive, but Carradale i can honestly say i have never been bothered by them (y)
As i said i can only speak for the area i go and for the last 7 or 8 years i have never had a problem with them at the times of year i go. Loch long area is a totally different kettle of fish if we stop off there on the way, they are animals around there and eat you alive, but Carradale i can honestly say i have never been bothered by them (y)

My house is near Tarbert, you'll go through it on your way to Carradale. Even in the village fishing around the harbour I've been driven to distraction by the wee menaces.!
There is the possibility that you're one of the very rare lucky freaks that they don't bother.
My house is near Tarbert, you'll go through it on your way to Carradale. Even in the village fishing around the harbour I've been driven to distraction by the wee menaces.!
There is the possibility that you're one of the very rare lucky freaks that they don't bother.
Tarbert is a lovely place, i have stayed in a b&b there and stopped off many times to pick up some fresh scallops from the little fish place down by the ferry, also had some nice meals in the fish restaurant. Usually pick up some meat from the butchers on the way to Carradale. I am pretty used to them as the lake which i bailiff has alot of marsh around but its mainly mosquitoes we have a problem with.

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