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A late good friday report


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2020
Reaction score
South devon
Favourite Fishing
Hi all heres a late report of a session on chesil good friday . I had arranged to meet Pete an hour or so before low water to fish through the rising tide hoping for a ray or some plaice . Conditions looked good and we were all feeling positive especially as i caught a nice blonde on 1st cast not massive but im not the best at targeting ray so i was happy . Then it all went down hill and became a struggle . I had a small plaice to add to the ray as did Pete and Graham with Tom saving the blank with a whiting we threw all sorts of bait at it but to no avail . Fished through till dusk and then called it a day . Fishing was slow but what a lovely day to be on the big beach . Good to see Pete and Tom again and a pleasure to meet Graham for the 1st time . Till next time guys . Tight lines .IMG-20230407-WA0000.jpgIMG-20230407-WA0003.jpg
Nice report & photos Reevsey - well done! 🎣🎣👍👍
What a lovely day out....... we had, I admit I did nod off twice in that sunshine....... bloody hard day but glad you got a PB, great to see you Colin, see you again soon! lets get smutty!
Great report Reevsey, and nice blonde ray, fantastic pics too. 🎣 🎣

Wakey wakey Pete. 🤣

You missed the hot x buns and easter choc egg shopping. Nice catch though (y)
It was "The long good Friday" there is something very very good that has come out of that session......... sometimes a really tough sesh makes you do something :)
more on that another time!
Pete, the suspense is "killing me". :D

It was "The long good Friday" there is something very very good that has come out of that session......... sometimes a really tough sesh makes you do something :)
more on that another time!
Im intrigued Pete . If it has anything to do with hunting smuts im in 👍
Morning Colin
Good to meet you too
I think the sess was more challenging due
to the orange floats about 250 yds off the beach
I had it confirmed couple of days ago they were nets !!!
From Hive to nearly Bexy the bar’ds, so I think we did well to catch anything
Great result on your blonde well done
Catch up soon
Bang out of order if they were nets .
They were nets..... largely unmarked, would not be surprised if someone accidentally towed them all into a known trawling path..... by accident of course. The reason they are shot so close is that a little further out they would get trawled and that would be a tragedy.
They were nets..... largely unmarked, would not be surprised if someone accidentally towed them all into a known trawling path..... by accident of course. The reason they are shot so close is that a little further out they would get trawled and that would be a tragedy.
There is a limit from the coast, obviously wrong place to shoot nets- still need reporting. Hard shit if they get dragged by trawlers, would serve them right - barstuards.
Hi all heres a late report of a session on chesil good friday . I had arranged to meet Pete an hour or so before low water to fish through the rising tide hoping for a ray or some plaice . Conditions looked good and we were all feeling positive especially as i caught a nice blonde on 1st cast not massive but im not the best at targeting ray so i was happy . Then it all went down hill and became a struggle . I had a small plaice to add to the ray as did Pete and Graham with Tom saving the blank with a whiting we threw all sorts of bait at it but to no avail . Fished through till dusk and then called it a day . Fishing was slow but what a lovely day to be on the big beach . Good to see Pete and Tom again and a pleasure to meet Graham for the 1st time . Till next time guys . Tight lines .View attachment 42848View attachment 42849

Sounds like it was a tough day, but a pb, sunshine and good company is always a recipe for a a day that sticks in the memory. Well done on the blonde ray - not so many of those down that end.