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South West A Whiting workout


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Well after a couple short stints on Paignton beach with my light gear pulling Bass and some Whiting in I thought its time to try the big gear and a proper beach.
Blackpool sands was the venue as not to far from the car park and can have a few nice fish there plus some doggies.
Found my old pier trolley as didn't think id be able to carry the box very far at all and off I set. Loaded the trolley up at the car park, all worked well on the hard surface but it didn't like the small shingle that much, so more dragging than pulling got me puffing to my spot, gear set up and first casts was out and I sat back and watched, this lasted for a hour, I had forgot what fun beach fishing could be!!
Well bang on a hour the first rattle gave up a sizable Whiting, quickly followed by a small pout then a very small strap. Casting ,reeling in ,unhooking and repeating in 20 mins was knackering me, so lucky there was a small break before the onslaught of small Whiting started, double shots and singles, came to all my baits and some of these was right scanky, I found some old freezer burnt, fossilized sandeels and mackerel at the back of the freezer that was employed with some nice rag.
Half way through the Whiting work out , a bit of fog descended, followed by some more fog, then more! was like a John Carpenter movie, couldn't see the cliffs anymore, but could see the bloody Whiting tho.
The fog was finally broken up by some rain and this still didn't put the undersize Whiting off. When the rain eased off I checked my weather app and more rain was predicted, not wanting to get totally soaked for some small tings I slowly packed up and dragged every thing back to the car, where all packed away I sat down, my arms, chest, back and legs all ached and the thought, glad I didn't have any Dogfish went through my mind!!.
Well after a couple short stints on Paignton beach with my light gear pulling Bass and some Whiting in I thought its time to try the big gear and a proper beach.
Blackpool sands was the venue as not to far from the car park and can have a few nice fish there plus some doggies.
Found my old pier trolley as didn't think id be able to carry the box very far at all and off I set. Loaded the trolley up at the car park, all worked well on the hard surface but it didn't like the small shingle that much, so more dragging than pulling got me puffing to my spot, gear set up and first casts was out and I sat back and watched, this lasted for a hour, I had forgot what fun beach fishing could be!!
Well bang on a hour the first rattle gave up a sizable Whiting, quickly followed by a small pout then a very small strap. Casting ,reeling in ,unhooking and repeating in 20 mins was knackering me, so lucky there was a small break before the onslaught of small Whiting started, double shots and singles, came to all my baits and some of these was right scanky, I found some old freezer burnt, fossilized sandeels and mackerel at the back of the freezer that was employed with some nice rag.
Half way through the Whiting work out , a bit of fog descended, followed by some more fog, then more! was like a John Carpenter movie, couldn't see the cliffs anymore, but could see the bloody Whiting tho.
The fog was finally broken up by some rain and this still didn't put the undersize Whiting off. When the rain eased off I checked my weather app and more rain was predicted, not wanting to get totally soaked for some small tings I slowly packed up and dragged every thing back to the car, where all packed away I sat down, my arms, chest, back and legs all ached and the thought, glad I didn't have any Dogfish went through my mind!!.

Good to hear you've been out and about 'Nanas! Sounds like quite a good session, and glad you beat the worst of the wet stuff! ??
Pin sea rats, the stuff of nightmares!
Sounds like you had quite the Whiting workout session! Beach fishing can be both exciting and exhausting, especially when you're reeling in one fish after another.
That foggy John Carpenter movie scenario sounds like an adventure in itself. 😄 But hey, it's all part of the experience, right?
Speaking of workouts, if you ever need a change of pace or want to complement your fishing adventures with some strength training, you can check out https://tuffwraps.com for some workout gear. They've got some quality stuff to help you stay in tip-top shape.
Keep enjoying your fishing and fitness adventures, and here's to landing some bigger catches next time!
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Sounds like you had quite the Whiting workout session! Beach fishing can be both exciting and exhausting, especially when you're reeling in one fish after another.
No such experience on the Black Isle beaches :( Never seen a whiting up here yet!