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South East Another bash at the bass


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Herne Bay
Favourite Fishing
Hi all.
So Thursday night I’d decided to have another go at the bass, this time opting to head East.
On my way home from work I’d planned to nip down and dig a few fresh lug for the trip but this didn’t go well.
The staunch NW wind meant the sand was wetter than usual and there were strangely no casts whatsoever. I also realised soon after starting that I hadn’t considered the clocks changing and had not brought a headtorch!! I had about 15minutes before I could no longer see to dig and managed about 6 worms out!! Total failure.
Not to be put off, I got to my mark later in the evening and was set up for about 8:15pm armed with a fresh bag ‘o’ squid, some left over rag from Monday night and the trusty 6 lug worms.
I set up at a leisurely pace as there was still no water, it’s a very shallow venue. I made sure to secure my tripod in the strong offshore wind and sat back to wait for the tide.
I wasn’t waiting long before I could hear the rippling of waves so baited up, rag on one, whole squid on the other. As I walked down to cast out, I was astonished at how quickly the tide was coming up, in fact it took little more than half an hour to go from nothing to practically lapping at the tripod!
My first bite came relatively soon, and my first bass of the night fell to the rag worm. It went 36cm, about 1lbs.
A quick pic and back it went. Things really slowed then and I had no more action until the tide had receeded by quite some margin, although significantly slower than it had come in.
By this point I was freezing cold and getting a bit fed up but a good bite on the squid got my attention. I was too eager however and missed the fish. After a quick re-bait, I cast back out to the same area and within minutes the fish was back! Making no errors this time, I hooked my quarry only to be greeted with a dogfish! Grrrr!!
I decided to swap bait to avoid a repeat and bundled up three of my lug. Shortly after, this was rewarded with a much better pull.
Tentatively, I held the rod waiting for my moment, tug tug, strike! Fish on!!
A better bass of 41cm, 1lbs 11oz but still not the leviathan I’d hoped for.
By about 1:30am it seemed to be milder, the wind had dropped slightly and it didn’t feel as cold. Unfortunately though, the water had disappeared out of sight and I had no choice but to pack up.
Better than a blank I guess.

Nice one Stormzy! Target achieved and well done for sticking at it ?? - it's been bleddy cold on recent nights. ??
You tried! Do the bass hang about all year there or disappear for a bit soon?
You tried! Do the bass hang about all year there or disappear for a bit soon?
They usually disappear by December and come back in February(ish)… but saying that, it’s been such a strange year with timings, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to still see a few up to Xmas.
They usually disappear by December and come back in February(ish)… but saying that, it’s been such a strange year with timings, I wouldn’t be at all surprised to still see a few up to Xmas.
Yep wouldn’t surprise me.

Usually our bass beach fishing is up to the end of November.
The fish might be there longer but the beaches get pretty miserable in the cold and with big winter surf.
Don’t really think about bass then until May or so.

As you say, this year, who knows!