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South West Aust


New member
Dec 27, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
Hello, Last time I headed to Aust (a year or two ago) the road was closed due to some engineering works. Just had a look on Google Earth & it seems the works were huge. Is the road open again and are you still able to park up like you once were and walk along the path and fish from the grass? Was hoping to head that way this weekend.....
You can check roadworks online. it looks clear now.

Hi apologies matey but I don't normally fish that far up, I thought there was some problems encountered with the work and it was to take longer......... but I cant help sorry.

I had heard there were some nice catches at Littleton though and that is fishable...
Hi apologies matey but I don't normally fish that far up, I thought there was some problems encountered with the work and it was to take longer......... but I cant help sorry.

I had heard there were some nice catches at Littleton though and that is fishable...
Thanks for the help Muskins.
Well still trying to get back into this after my 2 weeks in Cornwall. I had 1 1/2lb of lovely large lug and some peelers from my own efforts and the lovely Ed Schliffke to come home with.
With the tides and limited time, I wanted to fish New Passage, on the very corner before the little shingle bank and then the grass. Sadly, I got there and it was 'access denied' as it was 6.45am and HW was 10.05am I thought... Severn Beach.
I hadn't fished there for 16 years... sadly again, it hasn't changed. I stopped fishing SB because it is nearly the same as Ladye bay ....sh*t every where, fish guts, heads and tails, unwanted squid, more bait wrappers than you could imagine, thatchers cans and even dog pooh on the steps etc etc.
Apologies I digress.......
2 and bit hrs up and 45 mins down for... one good hit that did not stick. I used two lovely peelers but no action and I know that's not the bait for up there so where next? I'm working on the shoot for the next couple of days ..... and the other half is getting a bit demanding - not in the exciting way ;0(
Looks like a low water mark.... MOD, or inside the royal over HW (towards battery) or the lovely ledges round Clevedon
There will be some fish out there and if I get one you'll all know about it......... and I do miss the tanks....
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Oh and today I noticed the entrance to the Aust road nearest to to the M4 roundabout appears open so Aust maybe fishable... I'm sorry I didn't go down to check ..... but could be fishable(y)
Well still trying to get back into this after my 2 weeks in Cornwall. I had 1 1/2lb of lovely large lug and some peelers from my own efforts and the lovely Ed Schliffke to come home with.
With the tides and limited time, I wanted to fish New Passage, on the very corner before the little shingle bank and then the grass. Sadly, I got there and it was 'access denied' as it was 6.45am and HW was 10.05am I thought... Severn Beach.
I hadn't fished there for 16 years... sadly again, it hasn't changed. I stopped fishing SB because it is nearly the same as Ladye bay ....sh*t every where, fish guts, heads and tails, unwanted squid, more bait wrappers than you could imagine, thatchers cans and even dog pooh on the steps etc etc.
Apologies I digress.......
2 and bit hrs up and 45 mins down for... one good hit that did not stick. I used two lovely peelers but no action and I know that's not the bait for up there so where next? I'm working on the shoot for the next couple of days ..... and the other half is getting a bit demanding - not in the exciting way ;0(
Looks like a low water mark.... MOD, or inside the royal over HW (towards battery) or the lovely ledges round Clevedon
There will be some fish out there and if I get one you'll all know about it......... and I do miss the tanks....
What day was you at SB mate? My dad fished it Sunday to the right of the slipway. Had 2 codling and lost another.

When are you thinking of heading again?
If i can make it i will join you.

I broke 1 of my Centurys on Friday 😡😡😡 so i have ordered a tip eye for my old wobble stick Icons. While i sort the broke one out. That should be here Friday, so i can be out and about of Saturday.
I was there yesterday Bud, and I spoke to a guy who fished on Sunday and mentioned that someone had a couple of keepers just to the right of the slipway.... must've been your dad. That then fished a bit further to the right but had nothing.

Have a chat to Century, they've always been very good to me, particularly after an accident when fishing the tanks once. It was before the Ace bridge was erected and you either negotiated the plank of death or tried to find a way across the muddy rhein. In those days you put your rods through the red security gate and shimmied your way around the razor wire, hanging on to the railings then up the bank after the concrete finished. Well i was nearly there and was progressing up the bank when a bastard bramble tripped me up. I stumbled forward and went down on my knees, crushing the two butt sections of my mates Century blackbirds:rolleyes:

I'll have a look at the tides for the weekend and let you know(y)(y)
JR Apologies but I can't make this weekend - I've just been reminded that it's my lads 30th and I'm playing golf and then on for a session......his choice not mine you understand!!

JR Apologies but I can't make this weekend - I've just been reminded that it's my lads 30th and I'm playing golf and then on for a session......his choice not mine you understand!!


No worries mate 👌🏻 looking like a busy weekend for me too….. 😡
Have a great time….. dont have too many 😉😉