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South East Back at ‘em at last!


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Herne Bay
Favourite Fishing
I’ve been having a shocking time on the beach lately, missing or dropping fish left, right and centre, not to mention losing gear to snags and overruns.
I wasn’t optimistic at all when I headed out last night, expecting a weed fest but surprisingly, it wasn’t too bad! My first venue saw me fishing low water and it was manageable, I landed 3 hounds at 7lbs 8oz, 6lbs 12 and 4:15. When the weed did come through after low though, it was with a vengeance and I quickly gave up.
Not ready to pack up for the night, I took myself off to another spot to fish some of the flood. I wasn’t fishing more than 20mins when a big slack liner resulted in a 6lbs 5oz fish. Half way through the fight tho, my other rod folded and screamed at me! All I could do was look on to make sure it stayed on the rest whilst I played the fish in.
Unlike my recent luck, I managed to land both fish with the second a healthy 8lbs 3oz.
I thought it was going to kick off after that but things were quiet. Thankfully the weed wasn’t making things too difficult.
After a bit of a wait, I landed my 6th of the night at 9lbs 10oz which was frustratingly not a double.
As the tide turned, I decided 4am was my cut off point (I had stupid commitments planned for Sunday) and I packed one rod away.
As I picked up the second rod, it was nearly pulled out of my hand!! An awesome fight ensued, I got the fish on the beach 3 times but it somehow managed to wriggle back in and fight back to deeper water!! It was great fun and eventually, I landed the fish. The best of the night at 10lbs 10oz.
I pretty sure I could’ve got a couple more in but my time was up and I called it a night.
About time I had some luck!!IMG_6156.jpegIMG_6151.jpegIMG_6149.jpegIMG_6148.jpegIMG_6147.jpegIMG_6140.pngIMG_6114.jpegIMG_6111.jpeg
Fantastic mate, lovely smoothies, and great pics too. Nice one.. 🎣 🎣

Another great report Stormzy, and good photos too. Well done on the Hounds! 🎣🎣👍👍