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North Wales Back in the groove.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
After last week’s blank I was keen to get back on the bass trail, but with 2 days of shark fishing booked in Penzance on Friday and Saturday, I would only have one chance this week. The weather gods had other ideas though, and as I parked up at my mark on Tuesday evening, I received a message telling me that Penzance was off 😭. After looking forward to it for over a year, the forecast was giving 2 days of south westerlies gusting to 30mph+, pretty much for just for the days we were booked on the boat, with calm weather on either side 🤬. I was of course gutted, but at least I was out fishing, rather than just sitting at home and moping.

I wish I could say that the action was non-stop, and that I completely forgot about the disappointment of the earlier news, but sport was actually quite slow. I did catch one bass though, a 37cm schoolie which took a Line-Thru Seeker fished at distance (y).
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With an unexpected fish in daylight, for only the second time at the mark, I was feeling confident that darkness would bring plenty of action, surprisingly though, as the light levels dropped things remained on the quiet side 🤔.

With low water at around 23:15, my plan was to fish it down to low and an hour back up again, so I still had plenty of time and finally, 2 hours after my first fish I was in again, with another identical fish at 37cm again 😊.
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Sadly this was my last fish of the session, and despite another couple of hits, the bass’s aim was off and they both failed to hook up. I was still quite happy though, as after what I hoped was a minor hiccup, I was catching again 😉.

With no packing to be done, I was now at a loose end on Wednesday evening and with Thursday off work, it seemed a shame not to make the most of it, so I headed out again. The choice of mark was the same as on Tuesday, but this time I wouldn’t be able to get to my chosen feature until an hour later.

With time to kill, I decided to start my hunt on a patch of rough ground about a mile away, but despite having caught there earlier in the year, all was quiet now and the only sign of life I saw was when something small swirled at, and missed my baby Patch.

After an hour it was time to make the move to my preferred mark, and I arrived there at the perfect time to wade out to the ground where the bass hold. Once there I clipped on the Salt Skimmer and incredibly, on only the second cast it was hit 😮. Given its size, the fish put up a very decent scrap and I must admit to being quite shocked when I saw how small it was 😄. Despite it being a 34cm tiddler though, I was more than happy to be off the mark again 👍.
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Once more I hoped that sport would improve after dark, but again I was to be a left frustrated when things didn’t turn out as I had hoped ☹️. This time I had more hits than I had on Tuesday, but frustratingly they were all just single hits which missed the hook every time, I persevered though and eventually my luck changed.

Yet again a bass hit my Mishna without making contact with the hook, and again I kept reeling, hoping that the attacker would come back, and this time it did! 😲 For the next 20 seconds or so I kept reeling in slowly, and I clearly felt a series of nips at the lure, until about 5 meters from the shore, when the fish decided enough was enough and finally smashed it.

Though I had been surprised by how well the earlier tiddler had fought, I could tell immediately that this was a better fish, so I took my time in playing it. It wasn’t a monster by any means, but when I finally slid it ashore I was still more than my happy with a half decent fish of 54cm, my biggest fish since mid-June and my best yet from this particular mark 🥳.
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After this bonus I was hopeful that there might be more to come, but just as on Tuesday the floodgates never did open, and again I had to settle for just the 2 bass. I wasn’t too disappointed though as after a single blank I was back in the groove once more 😊, but I’m still gutted about Penzance 😢.
Great report mate, nice spikes as well... 🎣 🎣

Cheers for the replies all (y).

I'm taking one of my boys out on the lures tonight, so the pressure is really on 😅.