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Well-known member
Oct 17, 2020
Reaction score
West Midlands
Favourite Fishing
Well, after the exhilaration of big game fishing in La Gomera, I was back out on my own little boat in North Wales today. The plan was to drift a few reefs for Bass. Lures only. No dirty bait.

The fishing was steady from the off. I started with a Savagegear V2 Sandeel in Khaki (they always do well here). Second cast produced the first fish of the day. A lovely conditioned Bass of around 2.5lb


Next cast produced a similar result with a slightly larger fish (that preferred to be photographed upside down!).


I quickly wheedle out a few more, of similar size and condition. I decided to switch lures to see if I could find something a bit different. On went the Komomo II in Asanago And on jumped a slightly bigger fish, just under 4lb.


I switched lures again but try as I might, I couldn’t get a take off the top. I ended up going the other way with a deeper diving IMA Hound Glides in a variety of colours. Same result. More 2-3lb Bass. Not that I’m complaining btw. I was just trying to find a bigger stamp of fish. I’m sure they’re there.

I switched back to SP‘s, this time a Sunseeker Swimmish with a weighted hook. I let it drop right into the crevices in the reef and ……. Started to hit Pollack


I gave up experimenting, put the Savagegear V2 Sandeel back on and carried on catching what was underneath me. Which was more Bass and the occasional pollack.

Just before it was time to leave I got a savage take. I’d set the drag on my reel so that 3-4lb fish couldn’t really take any line. This time the reel screamed a bit. And then again. At last a bigger fish! As I brought it to the boat it stayed low in the water, always a good sign I think. But I started to make headway reasonably easily. As I got it close to the boat it suddenly crashed dived, hard! Hmmm, maybe not a Bass then. As I got it to the boat my hunch proved right as I netted this nice 7lb Pollack.


All too soon it was time to go. The final tally was 16 Bass and around a dozen Pollack.

As I said at the start, it‘s not big game fishing in La Gomera. But having said that, nothing is. It wasn’t a bad day at all really. I enjoyed it immensely.

Thanks for reading

WOW! Great session Kev! Good report & photos. Some lovely Bass and Pollock there. Well done mate! ????