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Bait where from and what kinds

Sandeel now For se Ray me and mate buy live in bulk the freeze down till spring then it will be peeler and rag for hounds and plaice My mate had traps the rules being your not aloud to sell any of the crab pulled from that stretch if anyone caught doing so bye bye traps then the macs will show and it will be fresh Mac and fresh blacks for summer till beginning of winter we have a guy who pumps the blacks up country the. Couriers them down kick ass on most specis off chisel thru summer till autumn bream plaice gurnard cod hounds trigger at sole sometimes fable with a bit of razor for tipping rag for bream but these are the main baits ps it depresses me if I have to buy mackerel as much prefer to catch and freeze depends on how good the seasons been orso take gar for whiteing in winter they love it ?
No nearly all the fishing near me is for carp anyway. I am about an hour and a half by auto route to the closest sea fishing area.
We signed up to the Anglo Info web site for ex-pats some years ago, and I think I've seen some fishing threads on there.
No garage or utility space - I've got a small shed that is overflowing with gardening gear, lawn mower, and other stuff I can't keep indoors. No power to it either, and in too much of an awkward location to run a permanent supply to it.
You need one that runs off a usb and a power bank. ;)
i am lucky got a out side freezer normal stock of blacks 1000 mackerel about 50 + and herring crab 400 left from lockdown 4 lbs squid a few packs of sand eels + bluie , quite lucky blacks mackerel herring crab razor i can get my self with not much bother .its nice to have good bait ready anytime i need to go .
What is the issue with non human food going into the deep freeze?
I got a 6ft chest freezer in the garage loaded with bins full of shark chum, blocks of squid, blocks of bluey, 5 stone of mackerel, razor, sandeel, launce, 700 blacks, 100 crab, 20 spider peelers, plus more stuff lol. gotta have bait.
What is the issue with non human food going into the deep freeze?
Slim upright freezer. Not enough room in it for stuff we want to freeze or buy so she says, so I can't see me stealing space for an amount of Mackerel, Squid, Worms and whatever other frozen bait you care to name. It's a woman thing, like it's OK for her stuff to be tucked in every nook and cranny around the house, but if it's my stuff, it goes under the general heading of 'junk'.
Yep I’ve got the bottem tray on the freezer as long as I keep it clean wife’s got no issues with it
Our bottom tray is full of delicacies like Bacon, Gammon steaks, Kebab meat and Merguez, mainly mine!
I once had a dogfish jump out of the fridge and land on the spaniel ???
I read somewhere that somebody had a Dogfish jump out of the fridge a full day after they had put it in there. Their nervous system can twitch a long time after they are dead apparently. :(:(
Slim upright freezer. Not enough room in it for stuff we want to freeze or buy so she says, so I can't see me stealing space for an amount of Mackerel, Squid, Worms and whatever other frozen bait you care to name. It's a woman thing, like it's OK for her stuff to be tucked in every nook and cranny around the house, but if it's my stuff, it goes under the general heading of 'junk'.
I know exactly where you are coming from.
I have been thinking about this and my bait years ago only consisted of blow lug, mussel and squid. Squid I reluctantly bought the other two I could collect myself.
In the freezer I now have tackle shop bought squid, mackerel, bluey and some sandeel. Supermarket whitebait off the cheap shelf, three launce caught by me and some rainbow trout to try out as a result of a knackered freezer so thought no point in wasting it.
No blacks and I seldom manage to dig lug, kills my back these days. Hopefully the bait pump might help that.
Strange how things change, finances mostly and time to collect, must try a bit hardrr this year.
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