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South West Bass on the lures


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
After the half decent bass at Big Lerf, I thought some more exploration of old marks was required. Got there just after high tide, lovely colour again to the water, with a small swell creating great conditions again. Again loads of birds around about a mile offshore, everything felt good. Given the birds I went with the metal to imitate small bait fish and 5th cast a 3lber hit the lure and in the oxygenated water gave a good account of itself. The weed then began to be a problem so went down the weightless and weedless approach with an evobass soft plastic. I was on a reef casting back towards shore trying to get it into the wave dump and again a couple of plucks at the lure before the tip cranked over, to a spitting image of the first fish graced the shore.

The tide was now stripping off the rocks very quickly and it definitely felt that there were more bass hunting around. After 20 mins another couple of plucks and the rod then was nearly ripped out of my hands, by a much better fish. This one knew exactly where the rocks were in the gulley, but, fortunately the new rod turned it, after an exciting 90 seconds I ran the fish into a rock pool and whopped with delight, 61cm is a best for the year.

The second hand yamaga I recently bought is a revelation, awesome rod. The evobass lures worked first time out and the amount of bait just offshore gives a huge amount of confidence for the rest of the year to come.IMG_7494.jpeg
Great report mate. Lovely Bass too. Nice pic.. 🎣 🎣

Nice report Flipper - lovely Bass! 🎣🎣👍👍
Nice catch! Just curious...which YB is that?
After the half decent bass at Big Lerf, I thought some more exploration of old marks was required. Got there just after high tide, lovely colour again to the water, with a small swell creating great conditions again. Again loads of birds around about a mile offshore, everything felt good. Given the birds I went with the metal to imitate small bait fish and 5th cast a 3lber hit the lure and in the oxygenated water gave a good account of itself. The weed then began to be a problem so went down the weightless and weedless approach with an evobass soft plastic. I was on a reef casting back towards shore trying to get it into the wave dump and again a couple of plucks at the lure before the tip cranked over, to a spitting image of the first fish graced the shore.

The tide was now stripping off the rocks very quickly and it definitely felt that there were more bass hunting around. After 20 mins another couple of plucks and the rod then was nearly ripped out of my hands, by a much better fish. This one knew exactly where the rocks were in the gulley, but, fortunately the new rod turned it, after an exciting 90 seconds I ran the fish into a rock pool and whopped with delight, 61cm is a best for the year.

The second hand yamaga I recently bought is a revelation, awesome rod. The evobass lures worked first time out and the amount of bait just offshore gives a huge amount of confidence for the rest of the year to come.View attachment 48478
Nice catch! Just curious, which YB is that?

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