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Beach trolley


Mar 23, 2024
Reaction score
Favourite Fishing
Recommendations for a beach trolley, occasional use on soft sand .....old age is catching up lol
The Mophorn one has got a steel platform, as has the cheapest Vevor in the pic next to it,
You also need to watch the wheel size as some Vevor only have 9"-10" wheels
The Vevor I bought recently all ally with 12" wheels was £76 delivered.
The Mophorn one has got a steel platform, as has the cheapest Vevor in the pic next to it,
You also need to watch the wheel size as some Vevor only have 9"-10" wheels
The Vevor I bought recently all ally with 12" wheels was £76 delivered.
I couldn't find an alu' Vevor (or other brand) for sale for that sort of money &, actually, I have been looking for solid wheels so no punctures a long-trek away from the car (maybe through narrow black-thorn lined trails !!).

I've bought the cheaper (@ £30) Vevor steel shopping-trolley style model with 10" solid wheels. Obviously it will benefit from some protective maintenance after any use by the sea and it will, nevertheless, rot over time - but heh ho !
Its 10" dia' / 4" wide wheels are quite OK over soft sand & it has a very sufficient advertised load capacity of 75 kg (165 lbs) - [Edit - not sure how it would fare if loaded to full capacity though.]
The wheels are secured with spring clips so can be removed easily making the packed-down volume/width/length of the trolley really quite small for almost any car-boot.
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Have look on ebay, all different prices I got one 5 years ago unknown make,it's still going strong, it was about 40 quid
I don’t often need/use a trolley as I mostly lure fish. I bought a fairly cheap Bison one that has extendable axles and an extra pair of wheels. Adding the extra wheels makes it ride easily over soft sand and gravel, and it was a quarter of the price of those balloon tyre jobbies (which I would have at least considered for their lightness if I did mostly conventional beach fishing).
I don’t often need/use a trolley as I mostly lure fish. I bought a fairly cheap Bison one that has extendable axles and an extra pair of wheels. Adding the extra wheels makes it ride easily over soft sand and gravel, and it was a quarter of the price of those balloon tyre jobbies (which I would have at least considered for their lightness if I did mostly conventional beach fishing).
Ah - I didn't spot that one when I was searching: not sure I would have gone for the 4-wheel version, but, if heavily loaded for fishing or family day at the beach, having the option for extra wheels is a bonus for the extra £25. Good thinking Bison !!

I do quite like my Vevor (mentioned previously) for fairly light-weight loads as it has a fabric membrane "back" which better allows a variety of different items to be carried without wondering whether narrower/smaller stacked items can slip out the back. (Obviously ways around that with, say, multiple bungee straps, but I like the fabric back.)
I'm not convinced, however, that my Vevor's rear netted pocket will be particularly durable or what it might best be used for - stashing a landing-net maybe or bags of bait and/or perhaps a big "sharing" bag of crisps (sharing being optional) ??!
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I just checked my purchase history, they are now £121.99 from the same seller :eek:
Not extortionate compared to some others (with really silly prices for probably the same stuff made in the same Chinese factory !), but that is, never the less, quite a price hike for your alu' Vevor. Lucky you with your £76 find/purchase.
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Not extortionate compared to some others (with really silly prices for probably the same stuff made in the same Chinese factory !), but that is, never the less, quite a price hike for your alu' Vevor. Lucky you with your £76 find/purchase.
Interestingly I had put it in my 'watch list' at full price (£121) maybe 2 weeks before, was sent a 5% off offer which I ignored then when I next logged in it was there in the 'recently viewed' section at £76 which I immediately bought :cool:

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