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Big Cod


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
SW France
Favourite Fishing
Some bloke from Northumberland has landed a large cod while boat fishing of the Scottish mainland. Hauled up a 49lb fish four feet long after fighting it for half an hour... could be a new Scottish boat caught record... from the BBC.
rednekdek has requested that the fish be battered ,deep fried and a hundredweight of freshly made chips be slung around it so he can have it for his tea together with a loaf of sliced bread a pound of butter and a gallon of tea... he has not yet decided what he wants for afters :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Great fish, a 50+ in winter
would have slipped it back
good to catch, but wouldnt kill for the record

wormy ole dog of a fish that would be :)
You talk'in about the bloke who caught it or the fish? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though if a commercial fisher caught that would the "slip it back" or take it to market where it would be bought sold on an eaten ?
Cracker of a fish! Shetland is on the bucket list one day, I'm a bit meh regarding Norway these days but Shetland is deffo on the to-do list.
Despite having in-law family in Shetland, 2 weeks at skarnsundet is the same cost as 1 week in Shetland.
So despite Shetland being on the list, I'll stick with Norway ?
Despite having in-law family in Shetland, 2 weeks at skarnsundet is the same cost as 1 week in Shetland.
So despite Shetland being on the list, I'll stick with Norway ?
Yeah, I feel you on that. I think the past two years has put a dampener on it for me and the last time I went to Loppa the fishing was nowhere near as good as it was back in the day...plus, the travel lol. I'm meant to be going out in four weeks time, but I'm just waiting for it to be cancelled now.
Yeah, I feel you on that. I think the past two years has put a dampener on it for me and the last time I went to Loppa the fishing was nowhere near as good as it was back in the day...plus, the travel lol. I'm meant to be going out in four weeks time, but I'm just waiting for it to be cancelled now.
Get up to Soroya or the Lofoten islands Mike.

Still good fishing to be had but need to look around a bit now.
Get up to Soroya or the Lofoten islands Mike.

Still good fishing to be had but need to look around a bit now.
Yeah, I did Soroya in April 2013 and it was good. Did Flatanga in 2014 but I wasn't fishing that time, was covering a shore comp. Did Skarnsundet in 2017 and although the fishing wasn't brilliant (time of year) I did have a great time, Phil runs a top operation there, only had three days on the boat sadly, the other days I was shooting images for a shore fishing library. Sandland Brygge was the last trip - I think Lofoten or Havoysund would be the next ones for me. Although, I wouldn't mind fishing the River Alta for the Salmon at some point.

Just need more time and a lottery win :ROFLMAO:
Ive gone every year since 2010, sometime twice a year, to let Phill appreciate just how awesome I am!
Had great fishing and average fishing but always better than here.
I would rather go to Skarnsundet and catch 100 6Lb Cod in a week than one lunker.
I just get a buzz catching Cod.
Yes, a lunker is always welcome, but catching many Cod is more important to me.
The other big thing for me is familiar surroundings, which Skarnsundet provides me with, so much so, I am seriously considering a holiday home in that general area.
You talk'in about the bloke who caught it or the fish? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Seriously though if a commercial fisher caught that would the "slip it back" or take it to market where it would be bought sold on an eaten ?
Rip the guts out of it and chuck it on ice!!!
Ive gone every year since 2010, sometime twice a year, to let Phill appreciate just how awesome I am!
Does he have to roll out the red carpet and put rose petals on the bed :LOL:

On a serious note, does look like Norway might be open to UK anglers soon, they are looking to accept the UK Covid Passport, possibly from next week. I think it will be too late for me, my second jab isn't until the day we are meant to fly and you have to have had it three weeks before departure apparently.

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