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South West Bristol Channel 24/10/20 neaps


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
So this weekend didn't look particularly great, loads of rain and very neap tides. But my brothers were visiting and we fancied getting out for a bit despite the less than perfect tides.

So we went out this evening to fish an hour down and a couple of hours up. Frozen baits only, squid, bluey and black lug.

Couple of small taps that didn't materialise into anything over the first 2 hours or so.
Then a big slack line bite on the close in half bluey bait got my attention, wound in loads of line to catch up with it and the rod hooped right over. It was only about 20 yards out by this point and was thrashing around on the surface.
A nice angry eel, thought it was going to go a lot bigger than it did, but it was still a double, just! 10lb 2oz

Wow nice. Where was it caught? I've not heard of much this way yet, but I don't have facebook.
I had a small codling about a month ago or so. Prob a random one rather than the season starting though
Wow nice. Where was it caught? I've not heard of much this way yet, but I don't have facebook.
I had a small codling about a month ago or so. Prob a random one rather than the season starting though
So this weekend didn't look particularly great, loads of rain and very neap tides. But my brothers were visiting and we fancied getting out for a bit despite the less than perfect tides.

So we went out this evening to fish an hour down and a couple of hours up. Frozen baits only, squid, bluey and black lug.

Couple of small taps that didn't materialise into anything over the first 2 hours or so.
Then a big slack line bite on the close in half bluey bait got my attention, wound in loads of line to catch up with it and the rod hooped right over. It was only about 20 yards out by this point and was thrashing around on the surface.
A nice angry eel, thought it was going to go a lot bigger than it did, but it was still a double, just! 10lb 2oz

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well done great catch!

Oh and I’m all for gloves too, one comment from my boss was enough about the state of my hands one morning! Go for black, unless you are hell bent on the smurf colour . Top angling
Great catch :)
I have to wear gloves these days if using fresh out yellow tails.