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Cost of fishing


Well-known member
Dec 12, 2020
Reaction score
SW France
Favourite Fishing
I am just going to have to give up fishing at St Jean De Luz the costs have gone ballistic . Fuel cost for the trip €40 cost of motorway 35€ and I don't have a fishing buddy so I have come to the conclusion that if I do fish it will be on a holiday by the sea. I have just bought a fishing licence to fish the fresh waters for 100€ covers all of France and all waters for all species. I have a lot of lakes and rivers nearby so it fresh water for me at the moment.
I am just going to have to give up fishing at St Jean De Luz the costs have gone ballistic . Fuel cost for the trip €40 cost of motorway 35€ and I don't have a fishing buddy so I have come to the conclusion that if I do fish it will be on a holiday by the sea. I have just bought a fishing licence to fish the fresh waters for 100€ covers all of France and all waters for all species. I have a lot of lakes and rivers nearby so it fresh water for me at the moment.
Sounds about the right cost for a fishing road trip ??‍♂️

Rather spend my money on that tbh
I can go down the Harbour here and wet a line for not a lot of expense, but not sure I'd want to eat what comes out. Our nearest decent Angling beach is about 35 miles away, via A & B roads & country lanes. Last time I went it took me an hour & 20mins to get there, and Jeepy used nearly half a tank there & back, so the cost was probably similar to Jambop. At least we don't have to pay for a sea fishing licence - yet.
Does that cover you to fish for salmon ,sea trout and trout on any river?
Sea trout and Salmon is an additional license, rainbow, brown & brook trout are already covered with the first license for fresh water fishing up to 2 rods at any time (1person)
I think a point is being missed . The ownership of a French fishing licence allows the bearer to fish for any species without additional cost for permits to fish the water. So anglers do not spend huge sums of money to fish a river for salmon, sea trout or any species therein . €100 per year is an excellent price for that in my book.
I think a point is being missed . The ownership of a French fishing licence allows the bearer to fish for any species without additional cost for permits to fish the water. So anglers do not spend huge sums of money to fish a river for salmon, sea trout or any species therein . €100 per year is an excellent price for that in my book.
That’s an excellent deal. As well as my fishing licence I also have permits for several clubs that add up to a lot more than £100!
That’s an excellent deal. As well as my fishing licence I also have permits for several clubs that add up to a lot more than £100!

I was a syndicate last year £750 each for me and my misses, was like a day ticket water, only used it a few times and sacked it off. That on too £45 for 3 rod licence, soon adds up.
I was a syndicate last year £750 each for me and my misses, was like a day ticket water, only used it a few times and sacked it off. That on too £45 for 3 rod licence, soon adds up.
I am a bit embarrassed to say that I have two of my tickets that both cost over £100 a year each and I haven't fished on any of their waters for at least 6 years. I'm not sure if it is just sentimentality or I don't want to risk losing membership, as both clubs have waiting lists.

*Just checked and one of the tickets is just for a large lake that I last fished in 2007.

Most of my fishing is done on a four mile stretch of both banks river that my mate and I rent from a farmer exclusively.
Can you put a price on happiness

Well before you start talking about the happiness involved in shelling out exorbitant figures for a days happiness fishing have a thought for poor unfortunates who are going to be saying food or heating week in week out... not that I am in that category but I feel for them.

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