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South Coast East Chesil.


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2020
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Favourite Fishing
Despite the poor tides, decided to head for the deep water as it was the only day of the week showing light winds and summer like condition. Unfortunately was greeted with colour in the water and nearly turned around and went home as was hoping the sea had cleared out. The fishing was as expected, small bream stripping baits almost instantly, mixed in with the odd strap to around 5lb. By 2 o'clock, I'd used around 4lb of worm, so decided to use frozen blacks and squid whipped on tight. This allowed a few better fish a chance to find the bait, a codling of around 5lb, then a nicely marked plaice of 1lb7oz. A double shot of 3lb strap and 1lb+ mackerel added variety. Then strap and 1lb+ bream. Added another chunky mackerel. Packed up as the light went as couldn't face anymore eels. Was bitten off a few times and had my rod pulled out of the tripod by a mystery fish. Ended up with around a dozen sizable bream. Alot of effort for underwhelming fishing to be honest but glad I managed a couple of better fish amongst the rubbish. Think I'll wait for clear water next time.
Nice report mate, shame the conditions were not the best, but you gave it a go, what more can we do... 🎣 🎣

Nice report Squiddy - good mix of species there, and a few for the pan. 🎣🎣👍👍
been a few smallish tope coming out and a few bigger ones lost so that may be your bite offs?
Had tope there before and had runs from them on live mackerel sliders fishing for bass, but these were definitely congers. I had one nail a whiting, which I managed to land on a size 2! Probably a different class of eel to the straps I had, I think they were eating the small bream that were hanging off the hooks. Had some reasonable eels to mid 30s here in the past, but have seen pictures of some real brutes in the 40 to 50lb class landed. A friend had one in a club match of 44lb on a scratching rig!
That sounds like a decent sesh you dint want much do you squid 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂😂👍👍
I quite often ask myself the same question 😂🤦‍♂️. Think it's the relentless casting out and winding in, knowing you've got another bream on within seconds on casting out. Hard to keep two rods in the water, takes longer to bait up! Still, a friend enjoyed thier feed of bream and macs, I let the plaice go.


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