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South East feb frosty bass


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2020
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well with the calm weather still here I fancied another go last night after having the rays the night before ...couldnt decide on rays or after reading action man's post about bass nearby I thought I'll have a go as I wouldn't usually start fishing for them yet ! so thanks a.m
decided to go all out bass went and dug about 60 lug and headed to my first mark which i like to fish early tide ,so got there about 8 with high at 1am the plan to fish about an hour and a half before moving along coast few miles to fish high at the beach right near mine for a quick exit due to the time ?

so first mark one rod no rest just rig and bucket of lug on me with spare hook and weight in case blunt or loss etc ..nice and light set up .
cast out nibbles staright away rebait 5 mins later same again then 3rd cast one of the nibbles hooked itself and thinking whiting was pleased to reel in a bass about 6inch lol few casts later had one about a pound then next cast drop back bite sizeable one about 45cm or so .. slipped them all back anyway this time though . well pleased with that :) never had them this early in the year .
then it went dead as usually does as tide floods up here so decided to move to my 2nd mark ..

got there still hardly any water very shallow spot waited 5 mins and took in the surroundings completly isolated and no road noise or wind just the wading birds calling and herons flying under the moonlight .
not as productive here but still managed 1 about a pound almost at high tide and a tiny one bout 6inch again ..

great to see the tips banging and some silver again .. f
back to car and was completly iced over didn't realise it had dropped anywhere near that as was an active session I was just in jumper ..

Nice!!!!!!! Your catching a bit fella! I was tempted to go the other night but can't keep bass till March so didnt bother.
Nice!!!!!!! Your catching a bit fella! I was tempted to go the other night but can't keep bass till March so didnt bother.
i go through stages be obsessed one week go 4 times or summin then not bother for a few weeks or go carpin ...
never used to do reports but enjoyin putting them up now coz only have 1 mate who sea fishes to tell otherwise haha
and well i hope you get a few after the 1st then m8 tbh i didn't know that was the rules this year thought was 2 a day all year untill November
sure you won't get nicked anyway lol
Excellent stuff! Glad mine were not a fluke then!

Really good to see them in this early and at our local spot (which shall remain nameless) lol

Well done, got to love them spikeys giving the rod tip a positive rattle after the winter of whiting

All the best
Well done mate , I think bass are always there just not feeding sometimes
Excellent stuff! Glad mine were not a fluke then!

Really good to see them in this early and at our local spot (which shall remain nameless) lol

Well done, got to love them spikeys giving the rod tip a positive rattle after the winter of whiting

All the best

you gave me the inspiration nice one lol and yeah it will that's why I stopped posting on other sites constant pms for marks ...i had them at 2 marks last night tho so they are not just concentrated there which is a great sign too
and going again in a bit to the early flood mark dug 20 worms only to stop another late night haha
little update not worth new report ...
went down again just a score of lug and couple squid in case I fancied staying but apart from a decent bite first cast nothing happening at all total change from night before ...typical as my mate came down after told him about last couple days few fish about .
looks like that's it for a week or 2 given the tide times and commitments etc
little update not worth new report ...
went down again just a score of lug and couple squid in case I fancied staying but apart from a decent bite first cast nothing happening at all total change from night before ...typical as my mate came down after told him about last couple days few fish about .
looks like that's it for a week or 2 given the tide times and commitments etc
Unlucky bud. When the missus said she was going to bed early my brain started stewing with ideas to rush out, but the four pack kept me in my chair. But you did have a decent bite first cast. Yeah, easterlies and low tides ahead - time to bump a week I think
Unlucky bud. When the missus said she was going to bed early my brain started stewing with ideas to rush out, but the four pack kept me in my chair. But you did have a decent bite first cast. Yeah, easterlies and low tides ahead - time to bump a week I think
yeah you didn't miss much my mate had ray baits out nothing on them either
Always good to see a proper catch report at this time of year when we`re all struggling a bit through catching the usual suspects,it`s the late winter early spring reports the boosts this old fat git into action;) well done...Alan