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Fishing in Spain - Costa Calida


New member
Feb 21, 2024
Reaction score
Los Alcazares
Favourite Fishing
Hi Everyone,
First things first..great forum with lots of useful information!!!
I have been fishing all my life from a boat on the eastern and western coasts of Ireland but recently
moved to Spain to the Costa Calida.I have been fishing a year now using all the traditional methods
learned from 40 years back home but it just aint working here! i ve been jigging, trolling, drifting,
popping THE LOT..and very little..have seen blues up near the fishfarms at Salinas but not a bite!
YES.. have been catching gurnet, small bonito and spanish mackerel but unlike at home when the
mackerel would literally be jumping in the boat, they dont seem to take to the feathers here like
in Ireland.ANY help or advice would be most appreciated!!!!!!
Welcome to the Madhouse Brian! 👍👍

Never fished in Spain so can't offer any help.
It's a welcome from me as well (y)
Ask local fishermen- tackle shop ?maybe they have fished them out hence they are fishing off Cornwall
I haven't seen any Spanish boats off Devon & Cornwall, but plenty of French & Belgian boats.

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