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South West Friday night catch report ( new PB )

John Mitchell

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
After a lot of discushion with bananas we dicided to head up to his neck of the woods to try for thin lip mullet , a spieces I have never targeted before .so Bob had set me up with a few spinning rigs all set up , it’s was a bit windy with an easterlie wind so cast a light lure was a little tricky. Bob was soon into his first fish a tiny bass which are in plague proportions up here , so it wasn’t to long before I get my first hit and I though this tiny bass is putting up a scrap taking line which I set fairly loose for the mullet , but this scrap was a bit different it took a bit of line we were in water about 6ft deep so I took my time bringing it to the net which my guide was now poised with , after a couple of misses it was in the back of the net a nice size according to Bob thin lip mullet target achieved my first and neW PB thin lip mullet .
so Bob said we had to weigh it and it went 23oz on his scales which is 1.7lb , and Bob said it was a nice one , so I was pleased . After catching many little basslets we packed up at 9.30 pm just before dark .It made a nice change to target this spieces , so thanks for that Bob .28095DD8-780E-47DC-B2A0-A37F838184BD.jpeg52AA7F0E-3E16-4B19-8122-C391D7B3D02E.jpeg
After a lot of discushion with bananas we dicided to head up to his neck of the woods to try for thin lip mullet , a spieces I have never targeted before .so Bob had set me up with a few spinning rigs all set up , it’s was a bit windy with an easterlie wind so cast a light lure was a little tricky. Bob was soon into his first fish a tiny bass which are in plague proportions up here , so it wasn’t to long before I get my first hit and I though this tiny bass is putting up a scrap taking line which I set fairly loose for the mullet , but this scrap was a bit different it took a bit of line we were in water about 6ft deep so I took my time bringing it to the net which my guide was now poised with , after a couple of misses it was in the back of the net a nice size according to Bob thin lip mullet target achieved my first and neW PB thin lip mullet .
so Bob said we had to weigh it and it went 23oz on his scales which is 1.7lb , and Bob said it was a nice one , so I was pleased . After catching many little basslets we packed up at 9.30 pm just before dark .It made a nice change to target this spieces , so thanks for that Bob .View attachment 9140View attachment 9141
Great report, nice photos, and well done on the PB Mullet! After Bob being unwell, and your enforced lockdown, I bet it was good to get together again! ??
Nice one john, glad you hooked in to him early, just to prove the fish was there. Now we need to get you a bigger one.
And yeah them pest fish bass are every where, they will be on every thing soon, when the water warms up more.
After a lot of discushion with bananas we dicided to head up to his neck of the woods to try for thin lip mullet , a spieces I have never targeted before .so Bob had set me up with a few spinning rigs all set up , it’s was a bit windy with an easterlie wind so cast a light lure was a little tricky. Bob was soon into his first fish a tiny bass which are in plague proportions up here , so it wasn’t to long before I get my first hit and I though this tiny bass is putting up a scrap taking line which I set fairly loose for the mullet , but this scrap was a bit different it took a bit of line we were in water about 6ft deep so I took my time bringing it to the net which my guide was now poised with , after a couple of misses it was in the back of the net a nice size according to Bob thin lip mullet target achieved my first and neW PB thin lip mullet .
so Bob said we had to weigh it and it went 23oz on his scales which is 1.7lb , and Bob said it was a nice one , so I was pleased . After catching many little basslets we packed up at 9.30 pm just before dark .It made a nice change to target this spieces , so thanks for that Bob .View attachment 9140View attachment 9141
Great report John, I really enjoy catching mullet although most where I fish are the thick lip variety. If you get them on the feed with bread then it's great to hook one on a bit of floating crust. I sometimes use a mepps No.3 with a river rag (maddies) on the hook.

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