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South West Friday night catch report

John Mitchell

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
The weather was the exact opposite from when I fished this Mark 2 weeks ago calm and fairly warm .
And boy it made a difference in the catch , I had arranged to meet Trampster here for 8 pm just as darkness falls .
so I set up 2 rods with 2 hook rigs on both , I had £20 of lug and a dozen or so rag I managed to keep alive from Monday’s session.
I had set up and had my rods in the water just as Dave arrived, he was just in time to see me land my first fish a lovely conditioned flounder , I weighed in front of Dave and it went just over 2lb a nice fat fish , I will have this one for Saturday lunch as I have not had a flounder to eat for a while .EE4C4656-978A-401E-AE50-FA51461DEFFA.jpeg

Over the course of the evening I had 4 bass 6 pout and this flounder , it was not a busy session but I had company for a change and 11.30 soon came round and time to pack up . Nice to meet up with Dave again . I am sure he will add his account of the evening soon .
I'll add to John's report later - had a busy day and Wifey has got me on the chores! ??
Excellent trip out to see John last night for a bit of dangling! John is always good company and there was plenty of banter. John had quite a few fish including that excellent Flounder, and his small Bass posed for a good picture before being swiftly returned.

Despite serious effort, I couldn't tempt anything with my King Prawns, The small pout sliced up for bait didn't tempt anything either, and even after launching out a quantity of John's donated Luggy worms, still unfortunately a blank. I did have a couple of good rattles on the Conti rod but no hook ups. Regardless of the blank, it was great to get out, and whilst the weather may be partly responsible for the fish not biting, it was a lovely mild dry night. It did give me chance to christen my bargains since the last trip out - Salt tripod and Surfblaster II worked with perfection! Thanks a lot John! ??
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For Trampsters benefit.I'm not refering to myself.
It's a sad job when you have to resort to plastic (inflatable?) instead of the real thing! ???
Why's that matey..?
They come in to fatten up pre spawning, then have their jiggy jiggy around Christmas and slink back down to the sea as skinny as feck.

You’ll get a few fish January and February then the estuary is empty apart from a few juveniles up until late summer when they return.

It seems to vary in other areas I've noticed
Excellent trip out to see John last night for a bit of dangling! John is always good company and there was plenty of banter. John had quite a few fish including that excellent Flounder, and his small Bass posed for a good picture before being swiftly returned.
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Despite serious effort, I couldn't tempt anything with my King Prawns, The small pout sliced up for bait didn't tempt anything either, and even after launching out a quantity of John's donated Luggy worms, still unfortunately a blank. I did have a couple of good rattles on the Conti rod but no hook ups. Regardless of the blank, it was great to get out, and whilst the weather may be partly responsible for the fish not biting, it was a lovely mild dry night. It did give me chance to christen my bargains since the last trip out - Salt tripod and Surfblaster II worked with perfection! Thanks a lot John! ??
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Wow, you boys don’t mind long walks to the mark do you? ?
Excellent trip out to see John last night for a bit of dangling! John is always good company and there was plenty of banter. John had quite a few fish including that excellent Flounder, and his small Bass posed for a good picture before being swiftly returned.
View attachment 8208

Despite serious effort, I couldn't tempt anything with my King Prawns, The small pout sliced up for bait didn't tempt anything either, and even after launching out a quantity of John's donated Luggy worms, still unfortunately a blank. I did have a couple of good rattles on the Conti rod but no hook ups. Regardless of the blank, it was great to get out, and whilst the weather may be partly responsible for the fish not biting, it was a lovely mild dry night. It did give me chance to christen my bargains since the last trip out - Salt tripod and Surfblaster II worked with perfection! Thanks a lot John! ??
View attachment 8209
Well done on getting out fishing Dave , next time I will show you how to tie some hooks on ,??

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