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Great morning with the bass

John Mitchell

Well-known member
Jan 9, 2020
Reaction score
I met up with dirty squid and Tim at 5am at a coast mark near Plymouth . We spent an hour at the first mark without a sniff of a bass , so I suggested we move after a 20 minute hike we got to our next Mark and we were into bass straight away , nick had 12 and a 4.7 lb wrasse ,
tim had 7 and I had 6 ,all the bass were around 45cm nick had the biggest at 49 cm .most were caught on jellys and i got my biggest one on a Gunfish about 46 cm .2408AAA4-C460-4C44-9156-DAFDD9302C5F.jpegB1241585-F53B-4CDF-A0F9-C76E9DD59810.jpeg7CA9B9F6-0971-45C4-A858-05F51FCE9A23.jpeg


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Great result after a move John, I wish I could get into lure fishng more, somehow it just doesnt do it for me, although I do have a dabble occasionally.

I met up with dirty squid and Tim at 5am at a coast mark near Plymouth . We spent an hour at the first mark without a sniff of a bass , so I suggested we move after a 20 minute hike we got to our next Mark and we were into bass straight away , nick had 12 and a 4.7 lb wrasse ,
tim had 7 and I had 6 ,all the bass were around 45cm nick had the biggest at 49 cm .most were caught on jellys and i got my biggest one on a Gunfish about 46 cm .View attachment 414View attachment 415View attachment 416
good going john
ive just about given up
weather tides work has killed it for me and vinny

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