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South West Hard day

Tatunka joe

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
So yesterday we fished our October shore comp ment to be a chisel rover but cause of the wind it was made into a fish anywhere rover first job for me was to get the 2lb of rag I Ordered from Lyme the worm was some of the best we’ve had so top marks there .then Home grab my kit drive to beer grab my mate then to seaton to grab our other pal we stopped at his had a cuppa and waited for the rain to clear then made are way to berry head the reason being we chould get out of the wind and maybe find gar and macs there well long story short loads of whiteing few undersized pout Wrasse and tiny macs small straps and a small Huss for me the dogs we needed for the comp weren’t there so around 7 pm we decided to make a dash for slapton 40 mins away including the walk back whould give us 2 1/2 hrs fishing there so we gambled and went for it as berry head wasn’t producing the goods . The move paid off for are mate who is a pucker good match fisherman he had a whiteing at 1.5 lb a dog at lb 1.10 and a specimen dog at 2lb 3
For myself and my other mate just lots and lots of skinny whiteing few more weeks and they will fatten up nicely . So a long hard day shame we chouldnt have got on chesil I drove A lot miles and am knackered now Off out again midweek as weather looks cracking cheers ma Bute’s BA34ED95-DFB7-4D36-B67D-1D4543387925.jpeg
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Thats a lot of effort, nice one :)
Well done mate, shame the head didnt do you justice for the effort you put in. Am surprised you didnt get a few more dogfish at Slapton, you needed John M with you he always catches them.
To be fair b recon they were there just the whiteing were nailing anything we put in the water I did manage a small dog of around a lb some other guys from are club for shed there longer all got good size whiteing and dogs but orso had hounds and a undulate ray maybe should have headed down there earlier ??
Well done Paul that’s a lot of effort you put in , hope you do alright in your comp
Bad luck mate, you have it a damn good try.

Must admit I never hear of much worth having from Berry Head apart from mackie but it must fish at times, looks a good spot.
Yeah it does look a good spot but the longer day went on the more we felt it wasn’t gonna produce anything of note saying that my mate bought wot was left of a huge whiteing in probably a 2 lb fish something but it clean off behind the gills probably a congar may have been a spur looking at the bite ??‍♀️
More likely a seal, when I was out Saturday night fishing, a couple was congering there too , he had a very good eel only to be taken close in by a seal.
More likely a seal, when I was out Saturday night fishing, a couple was congering there too , he had a very good eel only to be taken close in by a seal.
Can we start a "sosc" group??? Save our sea conger???? Start shooting fekin seals?