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North Wales It had to happen sometime.

Andy 1965

Well-known member
Oct 18, 2020
Reaction score
North Wales
Favourite Fishing
After a long run of successful lure sessions, it was time this week to take 2 of my boys out on their hunt for silver. Sam has only caught 1 bass before, almost exactly 3 years ago to the day, while Josh is still waiting for his first lure caught bass, or in fact his first lure caught fish of any species, so the pressure was on 😜.

First off it was Sam’s turn on Tuesday evening.
Sam 1.jpg

With high pressure still in charge of our weather, I was confident that I knew just the mark to try, but it wasn’t that straightforward. The anticyclone had moved out into the Atlantic, drawing in some fresher north east winds, they were forecast to ease considerably at dusk though, so it was still worth a go (y).

We arrived at our chosen venue to find quite challenging conditions, with a fresh crosswind blowing, but I knew a more sheltered spot we could fish until things calmed down later. Though there’s always a chance of catching in daylight, I wasn’t expecting much until the light levels dropped and sure enough, things were very quiet. The only signs of life we saw were a swirl behind my lure and a solitary sea trout, which leapt clear of the water directly in front of Sam. The time was still put to good use though and Sam was all ears as I passed on lots of hints and tips, which I’ve learned over in 12 years of chucking bits of plastic around the coasts of north Wales.

It took a while, but the sun did finally set and the wind eased slightly too, typically it was nowhere near as much as forecast but thankfully it was just enough to make my chosen mark fishable. We moved in good time to make the most of the shorter hours of darkness but sadly the bass hadn’t read the script and despite trying all of the lures which have served me so well this year, we didn’t get so much as a touch 😢.

Eventually we called it a night just before midnight, and though I was gutted that he didn’t catch anything, Sam wasn’t too disheartened. He had still really enjoyed himself and learned lots, which I hope will serve him well in his future fishing.

Next up was Thursday night and this time it was Josh’s turn.
Josh 1.jpg

Now Josh has never caught so much as a mackerel on a lure, so I was feeling even more pressure to deliver for him than I had for Sam on Tuesday, and with this in mind I had chosen a completely different venue, where we would have total shelter from the north easterlies. Unfortunately, the weather gods hadn’t seen the forecast and the wind was actually blowing more from the south east, and straight along the shore again! 🤬 Just like on Tuesday, the winds were supposed to ease later in the evening, but the forecasts haven’t exactly been accurate lately, so I wasn’t entirely convinced.

We fished on regardless and josh coped well with the awkward conditions but again the bass played hard to get. The daylight hours were quiet but I fully expected things to improve as sunset approached. Unfortunately though we were out of luck, and as the light started to fade, the wind actually increased in speed 😮. The wind picked up so much in fact that our chosen spot became almost unfishable, as a massive bow of line formed every time we cast out. The bow of line then caught the wind, dragging the lure around in an arc which looked totally unnatural. We persevered for 10 minutes, but eventually we were forced to admit defeat and move along the coast in search of some shelter.

We did eventually find somewhere a little easier to fish, and as the light levels dropped we belatedly saw some signs of life, including a massive shoal of baitfish and several swirls as some predators enjoyed a bite of supper, but sadly, no matter which lures we tried, we couldn’t tempt anything to have a go at them 😭.

We fished on for another hour but the bass were having none of it and so we called it a night at 23:30. Despite the lack of fish though, Josh had still had a good time and just like with Sam, he had learned a lot. I’ll look forward to taking them both out again once they finish their exams, when I’m sure they will finally get off the mark with some lure caught bass 🎣.

So my run of productive sessions is well and truly over, but I guess it had to happen sometime. It will take more than a couple of blanks to put me off though, and I’ll be out there again on Tuesday doing my utmost to get back on the bass trail ;).
Great report mate, sorry about the blank. But nice to see the youngsters getting involved. 🎣 🎣

Great report Andy, shame the boys didnt get any fish but it's only a matter of time 👍