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South East New mark pays off


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2020
Reaction score
Herne Bay
Favourite Fishing
Hi all, so Thursday night Alan (action man) and myself decided to fish low water in search of hounds and bass. The problem was that not only would the usual well-known N.Kent low water spot be busy due to the tide time but there was also a match being held there, it’d be carnage!!
Keen to avoid the crowds, we bumped heads together and came up with a plan to try a new spot a bit further along the coast. With LW around 10pm, we got set up just before 8pm and had a good look around whilst it was still daylight.
It was quickly apparent that this mark was a lot rockier than the usual with some really deep gulleys in between but seemingly, the rocks petered out the further out you waded.
The daylight faded with Alan picking up a couple of dogs to squid whilst my peeler remained untouched.
We foraged around and picked up a couple of nice punga’s which is always a bonus. Hounds love the brown crabs!!
As the light died and the tide turned, I was first in with a better bite, undoubtedly a hound from the pull down.
After the initial scrap though, my line went very light and I was adamant I’d lost the fish. Not so, as it got nearer, I watched in the clear water as the fish elegantly swam in alongside my sinker!
No beast at 4lbs 14oz but a good sign the fish were here.
As I was dealing with the hound, I got an assertive “yep” from Alan and looked up to see his rod arched over, he was in and it looked a better fish.
Before long it was one a piece with Alan’s fish going a healthy 7lbs 2oz.
It seemed as though they’d switched on now as I shortly after had a bizarre bite, far more flappy than pulling. It was another hound though, going 5lbs 1oz. I really can’t seem to find the bigger fish yet this year!!
Alan quickly replied with his second of the evening, another 5lbs something (sorry mate, I’ve forgotten the oz! Lol).
It was shaping up to be a great night but by this time, the tide really started to make on us and was pushing us back on the rocks at a phenomenal rate. It also signalled the end of the hounds as the rod tips stayed motionless for the next hour or so.
Alan was facing an early start and so packed up about 11:30 but I decided to stay on for a couple more casts.
Just after he left, I had a big thwack on the rod but it wasn’t hound like. I waited in anticipation, fairly confident a bass had hit it. Sure enough, a minute or so later and the bite developed, I struck in and successfully hooked the fish. After such an aggressive take, I was a little disappointed to land a 31cm schoolie, I was hoping for a better fish (obviously!!).
I stayed way later than I should have, to the point the tide had pushed me right back to the prom.
I had a few small bites but nothing more was caught and I finally admitted defeat about 1:30am.
An interesting venue for sure but I suspect it’ll be impossible once the notorious N.Kent weed kicks in properly. DCED73A4-9447-433A-8E29-9936BAFB4852.jpegE02AF5F4-C65E-40CC-925A-0390C879DBC4.jpegDD63875C-F7D2-484A-A7DC-2B6305FDDA46.jpeg7964112B-D99F-444B-BBAC-8AF0F939A59A.jpeg
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Another great report & photos Stormzy! Well done Guys! ?? (y) (y)
Slightly better one last night at 8lbs 11oz ?EE983083-75E3-45D6-9FBC-B5952195C480.jpeg
Nice one Stormzy! ?? (y) (y)