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South Coast No surprise it’s from chesil

Live in hope

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2021
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With the wind going northerly and the water clear I decided that once I got family commitments out the way to head to ferrybridge and see what turned up. Grabbed some rag to go with the squid n blacks plus some other bits of frozen I shoved way to much in and onto my box, grabbed me rods, rest n shelter and off I trotted till I hit the stones and decided a trudge would be better.
Walked up the bank in the faint hope it was quiet around the Adelaide ( yeah right. Fak it a walk it is then) set off to get past the last angler who was an either very short or a long way down the beach unfortunately it was the latter. Parked me arse past the boat on the top of the bank and set up. Second cast a better knock and in came a keeper bream followed by a couple of small ones. Bait was getting stripped fast then a pull down and it stayed there lifted into a weight as it took off in the tide got him going in the right direction and in came the first eel who had taken a rather unhappy looking small bream. Result was one pissed eel thinking I wanted his tea before hook and line parted so gave up on the rescue act and let it slip back and finish his snack.
Sorted the trace out as my tip bounced and went off down tide was hard work reeling in and then these two broke the surface.9707B353-42C9-4C09-8A9F-5940FDCDFFFA.jpegthe bream went 1lb 10 and returned the rather vocal tub. With baits getting stripped fast it was constant rebating spare traces then another good bite and a first fir me so well chuffed. 68D551DA-E5AC-475C-8E9F-95FCCC2036E1.jpegBasking in the sunlight and me own happiness I celebrated with a coffee and two more sets of gear stripped and a small bream when another decent bite resulted in a twin. 4B98A852-6440-4CAA-8AA5-6A5CCB21105C.jpegLike buses but more welcome I just carried on not worriedif I caught or not. Well I did but as the light faded the dogs, pout n eels were just killing me so about high I knocked it on the head eager for the walk back that was enjoyable more seeing the hares running about on the back of the beach. Oh and a nice sunset n all.82F8E363-8198-45FB-9059-CB7004C187B4.jpegcheers.
Another top write up on chesil . Great pics & well done on the triggers havnt had one for years .
Nice one Live In! Sounds like a good session, and well done on the Trigger Fishies! ????
Thanks was lucky everything fell into place for my time there but also making a plan and sticking to it helped. No point chasing cid if the conditions aren’t great and limiting your chances when you can go fish for bites up eastern end and catch a good mix with a new species or down east fir the plaice and sole. Catching the triggers were the icing on the cake the whole time I fished size one hooks and under all bar big squid baits on occasions.
It helped with the species list: pour,tings,eels , dogs, mackerel, tub gurnard, coalie , bream, plaice, sole, codling , bass, triggers and smalleyed ray.
14 species so some good varied fishing. Even after fishing it for years it still draws me back with the lure of another red letter day and a new curve ball to figure out for the next trip.