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South West North Cornwall Coast

The Third Earl

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Been here for a week now, and as I have not wet a line in the sea for so long, it was good to get onto the cliffs and drop a bait in, I only fish short stints , around 3 hours in the evening taking in the sun setting and a bit of darkness .
So, not fished every day, but so far have had Bass, Wrasse, Rockling , Mackies by the hookload and Doggies.... in fact a chap can only catch so many Doggies before the “fever “ sets in, so I am giving it a miss this evening, after about twenty a night of the greedy little beggars enough is enough..

I have another week here yet, so will certainly be getting out again, but as the rock mark is only a ten min walk from the cottage it will be getting a repeat visit or few.

One strange thing I have noticed, Sandeel , Mackerel, Squid, and Mussell wil all catch fish , but I cannot get a sniff on Blow Lug, I have found a good lug bed that is producing really big blows, and I thought my luck was in when I dug a bucket load, but the fish, any fish just wont look at it . At least is saves the effort of digging it.

nice to be away and strange about the lug worm ...not even bass ?
Excellent report the lad and enjoy the rest of your time there?

I’m not even the tiniest bit envious?honest!!??
Bass?! ?
Don’t let Minstrel see this! What sort of size were the bass and wrasse Dave?

The Bass was insize, so went for tea, the bass took my favourite bass bait, sandeel, the Wrasse well, not so big, about to a pound n alf max, took Mussell, Rockling, took mackie strip, the dogs well, the dogs will take just about anything, but put a worm bait where the dogs were, they wouldnt touch it !

The mackerel, they took home made shiny things ?.

I was going to give it a miss tonight, but , well, my mate would like a few mackies, so will maybe chuck some shiny stuff around for an hour a bit later .TBH the Macs are a bit thin on the ground , had a half doz last night, but needed a lot of searching around whilst the sleeper rod was........ sleeping, as soon as the sun went down it came alive though.

Last year I was taking school Bass on the feathers , they were so numerous the macs could not get a look in , not so this year .

I will probably try floatfishing again when I go on Sunday, I like messing about with floats, I did a bit last night but something kept on nipping the sandeel in half , I tried a half dozen different ways of hooking them, didnt make any differerence.
That is the benefit of being so close to a mark, you ca try lots of different things, sort out what works for the next visit, knowing it will probably be withing 24 hrs.

Been here for a week now, and as I have not wet a line in the sea for so long, it was good to get onto the cliffs and drop a bait in, I only fish short stints , around 3 hours in the evening taking in the sun setting and a bit of darkness .
So, not fished every day, but so far have had Bass, Wrasse, Rockling , Mackies by the hookload and Doggies.... in fact a chap can only catch so many Doggies before the “fever “ sets in, so I am giving it a miss this evening, after about twenty a night of the greedy little beggars enough is enough..

I have another week here yet, so will certainly be getting out again, but as the rock mark is only a ten min walk from the cottage it will be getting a repeat visit or few.

One strange thing I have noticed, Sandeel , Mackerel, Squid, and Mussell wil all catch fish , but I cannot get a sniff on Blow Lug, I have found a good lug bed that is producing really big blows, and I thought my luck was in when I dug a bucket load, but the fish, any fish just wont look at it . At least is saves the effort of digging it.

Where you stopping this year Dave ?
Hi all ,back home again,Port Quinn very nice as always ,a great two weeks break, but sh! t weather for the whole 350 miles drive from hol cottage to home.Solid rain ! It did clean the salt from the car though so not all bad.

But, hols are better than work.

I have fished cliff marks and Padsta outer harbour , the cliff produced, the harbour did not, weather has been fine but quite cold, had some good walks , Bodmin Moor, coast paths, around Padstow, North Cornwall coast, Port Isaac, Bude etc, as usual.

Fishing, well, patchy at best, but who cares, ?

In 15 days will be up at Loch Etive , Scotland for more fishing holiday shenanigans. !

Retirement is not for sissies, bloody hard work!
