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West Wales pendine 22/05

ever optimistic

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
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two of us fished from 8.30pm to 2am, bait was rag, cockles, clams, and razer we picked when we got there, very quite to begin with but my mate eventually had a small bass then i followed suit with two little ones shortly before we packed up, lovely night to be out though. i spoke to a couple other anglers there and they had one decent flounder. cheers
two of us fished from 8.30pm to 2am, bait was rag, cockles, clams, and razer we picked when we got there, very quite to begin with but my mate eventually had a small bass then i followed suit with two little ones shortly before we packed up, lovely night to be out though. i spoke to a couple other anglers there and they had one decent flounder.
From what I'\/e heard it has been quiet down there this year. I'm down that way in a week, I'd planned to ha\/e a fish at Marros Was there are may rot about ?
I had a pillow case with Ermintrude on it when I was little. ?

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