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South Coast Pulling for a break on Chesil.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2020
Reaction score
As always Chesil is very busy and especially in areas where there are a lot of people fishing line snags are building up.
This is an annual problem.
It only takes one snap off from someone using 50lb braid to start building a mega line snag and its just not possible to get out of it if you cant move it.
So save yourself some line and do everyone else a favour.

Assume you are stuck fast at 80 yards you have tried the usual walk a bit left and walk a bit right manoeuvre.
I would then suggest lifting the rod tip high and putting as much pressure down the rod and holding it there for a couple of minutes, do not take the rod past vertical, this is called high sticking and it risks breaking the rod.... sometimes line thats buried will come out of the shingle and you can not only get your gear back you can get a few bonus leads and clear the snag not add to it.
Do not be impatient pull hard and long my best haul is 16 leads!.

If this does not work do not just lower the rod and walk back from way up the beach ffs.

What happens if you do this is that your line will touch the shingle on the first ridge at about 10 yards out and will go where it touches especially if theres a sea running.

What you do is get as close to the waters edge as you can SAFELY.

Dont be a TIT if the seas running.

When you are at the waters edge start with the rod at a shallow angle not vertical and try and maintain this angle as you put ever increasing pressure down the line you are trying to avoid contact with the first shingle ridge, do not jerk it just keep loading the rod up at a shallow angle (you will not break your rod) take a bit of time doing this you may be pleasantly surprised.
Just keep piling it on till hopefully if you get a break its at the leader knot.
I have watched so many people just point the rod at the sea and walk back and everytime it goes at ten yards which leaves you short on line and increases the line snag.

I also see people aggressively trying to jerk the lead out not only does this not work its the number one reason for tip section breakages and warranty claims.
By the time the line has stretched you are doing bugger all the other end.

In short avoid the first shingle ridge and take your time..... it will save you a lot of expense and the rest of us a lot of trouble.
interesting pete, i usually walk uptide with rod high till ive got about a 45 degree horizontal angle on it then try building increasing pressure, if no joy esp at deep end walk backward up bank and try putting the pressure on again with a better vertical angle . never 100% effective but i know what you mean re 1st ledge and a low rod.
interesting pete, i usually walk uptide with rod high till ive got about a 45 degree horizontal angle on it then try building increasing pressure, if no joy esp at deep end walk backward up bank and try putting the pressure on again with a better vertical angle . never 100% effective but i know what you mean re 1st ledge and a low rod.
Hi Gordon that will have a similar effect I reckon...... walking along will eventually create the angle over that first ridge..... similar outcome.
Slowly increasing the pressure often drags the buried line out of the bottom.
We are down East Saturday just in case your down that way....

Hi Gordon that will have a similar effect I reckon...... walking along will eventually create the angle over that first ridge..... similar outcome.
Slowly increasing the pressure often drags the buried line out of the bottom.
We are down East Saturday just in case your down that way....

back to working weekends for a month unfortunately pete. used to get similar snagged up problems at kicker , feels like there may be a ridge or two out there as well either that or a ray sticking on the bottom, drew in a little s/e ray one sesh and as it skimmed in on the surf it arched both wings down onto the shingle , it was like dropping an anchor couldnt move it , like dragging in a plough shere.