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Advice Rod builder in kent


Active member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
Medway towns
Favourite Fishing
Hello. I'm looking for a rod builder in kent to bring my gb3 back to life.
I've heard there is the bearded builder but can't find any details for him.

I don't particularly want to use Rob hemple as he's the wrong side of kent
I'm sure Chris dance must be freelance these days?
Hello. I'm looking for a rod builder in kent to bring my gb3 back to life.
I've heard there is the bearded builder but can't find any details for him.

I don't particularly want to use Rob hemple as he's the wrong side of kent
Drop Gary (Chalton) a message mate, he is having a bass rod built by Pete(the bearded rod builder), he used to live here in Gosport, but moved to Kent some time ago, and was going to have a break from rod building, but he might be up and running again now. But Gary will know.

Very nice Gary, lovely finish, bet you are happy mate. 🎣

Now you need to catch some Bass Gary, tight lines for when you get out with it mate. 🎣

That's a lovely take on the classic zippy colours on a classic zippy Chalton👍 Was it a rebuild?
I think Gary bought the blank Tops.. (y)

That's a lovely take on the classic zippy colours on a classic zippy Chalton👍 Was it a rebuild?
Bought the rod second hand from a shop in Kent got my mate to pick it up as he lives close to the shop and asked him to strip and rebuild it after he had given it the once over

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