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Sea trout


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2020
Reaction score
Dumfries and Galloway
Favourite Fishing
For some unknown reason I agreed with a mate, Steve, to head out for a wee bash at the sea trout last night. Got to our alloted car park for about half nine so we could get set up and sea if anything was moving on dark.
Got set up and decided downstream was our preferred option. Bumped into young Finlay who gave us an up to date report as he is out most nights."Tough going" was his response, not that I wasn't expecting it but if you don't have a fly in the water you will catch bugger all.
Started just on dark, size 14 Teal Blue and Silver on the dropper and a wee size 16 back and silver shrimpy thing on the tail, just in case a grilse was in the mood.
Two runs through resulted in one wee herling about 9 inches, skinny wee thing too.
On to the big flies, well had about 4 changes of flies and fished another three pools, sea two sea trout jump, probably, and another few herling, but no more offers.
We finished about 2.00am.
Was a nice night to be out and the first I have been sea trouting in a while.
Reminded me of how much I really enjoy it.
Strange occurence last night was being brushed on the face by a pipistrelle bat, never had that happen before.
Great report, well done for getting out and trying, shame they didnt come out to play. I dont do so much now apart from when i head to Scotland but used to fish for seatrout on the River Dee at LLangollen on a regular basis, used to be good sport when they were running.
Great report, well done for getting out and trying, shame they didnt come out to play. I dont do so much now apart from when i head to Scotland but used to fish for seatrout on the River Dee at LLangollen on a regular basis, used to be good sport when they were running.
There's a spot towards Valley Crusis Abbey, near the road towards the Chain Bridge you can catch them with your hands.
Night fishing for sea-trout has to be one of the most atmosheric and exciting forms of fishing. Electric stuff when one hits your fly!
A poor year for me so far, only the one fish in 7 outings
I have never had a sea trout even though I have been fishing estuaries most of my life , yet a lot of people I know have caught at least one
I used to fly fish for sea trout & salmon on the Teifi up river from Newcastle Emlyn by the rugby club, West Wales, wouldn't go to the river until 9pm and fish until 2am. It used to be great fishing, I heard things are not so good the last few years.
Only ever caught one by chance on an Abu Krill off Filey Brigg in the early 80s whilst after Mackerel.Put up one hell of a fight.Can only dream of catching one on the Fly.Cannot disclose what happened to it as I didn't have a permit to fish for them. :eek: ?
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As a kid i fished this river in Glenbrittle, Isle of Skye, walked up and down it from sea shore to about a mile and a half, nothing bit, one last cast by some large rocks and pool on the incoming tide with me last half a worm and bang, took it back to tent and my dad said sea trout, dug some more quick and back to same place, filled a bucket with them, most days after that same place on incoming tide and sea trout galore.