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Shoreham Beach - dead dogfish yesterday


New member
Jul 11, 2020
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Hi all, I don't actually fish often as I am busy with work and looking after my nippers. I took said nippers for a walk on Shoreham Beach (west of harbour) yesterday around 4pm and there were dozens of dogfish littering the beach. At first I thought a daft angler had caught one and left it out, but as we walked it was apparent this was not a lone angler. Can any one tell me what had caused it (discard from a trawler, weather, pollution)??
Thanks, Geoff
Could be trawler discard, or could sadly be an angling match or busy night where they were thrown back in good faith and washed up again later, it does happen.
I’ve put dogs back on shallow beaches before, watched them swim off and then found then a couple of hours later as the tide recedes. Usually still alive and then put back again.

Usually now if I return dogs on a beach I’ll scan the tide line every now and again to check none have come back.
Thanks mate. It was an hour or so after low tide and they were quite high up on the beach. I dont know of any match fishing on this beach so quite possibly a trawler. Shoreham port is home to quite a few trawlers and we were only a hundred yards or so from the harbour entrance.
Trawlers/fishing boats are usually quite Carefull theses days,cause the sea kitten people get upset!!!!!
They crawl out of the sea to feed in the rubbish bins. Many of them don't make it back.

It's always happened as long as I can remember. Sometimes on beaches where no one fishes so you can often discount anglers in those cases. Also happens in areas where no trawlers work so I don't know whether they are responsible. Although I have seen it happen with hounds as well in calm weather (which I assume are bycatch), the dogs are usually washed up after storms and big tides
Trawlers discards ,they dump em miles out but the tide brings them ashore same as the dolphins
I'm not 100% convinced it was trawler discard, as it we walk this beach often (and I do also fish it occasionally) and I have never seen more than perhaps 2 fish of any species washed up on the same tide. There were literally dozens, but no other species. There are no matches either, and whilst it is fished, it is not a "busy" beach.
Planning on walking there again tomorrow after lunch with the family and a gale is coming in tonight, so will see what it looks like...
From experience three or four well distanced anglers could easily catch dozens of doggies in a few hours and literally throw them back not caring whether they swam away!
From experience three or four well distanced anglers could easily catch dozens of doggies in a few hours and literally throw them back not caring whether they swam away!
Yep, doesn’t take a crowd. I could easily have several get washed up a night if I didn’t keep an eye on the tide line and throw them back

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