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South West Short and not really sweet

Mr Fish

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2020
Reaction score
North Devon
Favourite Fishing
A very quick report. I could have fished a daytime comp on Sunday but although I hear the flounder fishing is starting to take off, the forecast looks very wet and standing down the estuary in the rain all day didn’t appeal.
A coastal mark in daylight probably wouldn’t have been great and trawling up channel didn’t appeal either.

So sacked it and decided I’d head down to a local surf beach on Saturday night as the tide times were good.

One hour down and two up, or as long as I could get (you get pushed off the sand by mid tide), sounded good to me.
On getting out of the car on arrival, a blustery 15mph plus on shore wind hit me in the kisser.
Looked over and no one there, with a meaty bit of surf rolling in.
Actually perfect conditions for this beach. When the wind is in your face it’s usually a good night.

Set up quickly and out went big squid baits on one and half a bluey on the other.
The power of the surf was pulling the rods a long way down, to the point where I thought they might be weeded.
Reeled in one to check and nope, no weed. Put it out again and shortly picked up a fairly light bite. Maybe dog, maybe a schoolie.

It was a smallish dog. No pictures sorry, we’ve all seen dogs before!

This picture doesn’t do it justice but it was a lovely bit of surf.

Shortly after I reeled in the other rod. Or tried to. Absolutely heavy dead weight on the end, could barely shift it.
No kick at all, I was thinking weed, but just as I got the leader on whatever it was pinged off.
Very odd. I’ve had this before on beaches. It did it later too and I’m wondering if it was simply something to do with the weight type digging in the sand.

Anyhoo. Went to reel the other rod in and just as I began the retrieve the line snapped at the reel ?
Presumably there was a weak spot I hadn’t been aware of. Ah well, it happens.
Don’t like leaving a weight and hooks out for the surfers to find, but what can you do? I went down the beach quickly hoping to see the loose line, but nothing.
There was enough line to continue anyway, so quickly tackled up again.

That was all the ‘action’ for awhile. As I approached the cut off point, I decided to bring in the bluey rod and put a fresh bait in short, which is where the action usually happens, just before you get pushed off the sand.
Sure enough, within five minutes it nodded a couple of times then bent over. Whack!
I felt something lively kicking on the end, but after tightening the drag and clicking the ratchet off, it soon became obvious there was nothing there.

Well, shit.

Convinced I’d missed a decent bass, brought it in to discover half the bluey head had been scissored off.
These things are quite bony so now I’m wondering if it wasn’t an eel. I can’t see a bass cutting through a head like that?
Eels up to 20lb are possible on the beaches this time of year.
Outside of a comp I’m happy never to see one, regardless of size.
I suppose tope is another possibility, although eel seems likely.
In any case, it had completely missed both hooks so not surprising I lost it.

That was it. Managed one more quick cast but I was in danger of getting cut off so had to beat a hasty retreat to drier land.

Unusual to have a bass blank down there (dogs don’t count), but hopefully the next visit will be more productive. I usually reckon on getting bass two trips out of three, so will be due next time!

On the way home I ran over a hare. Or a very big bunny ???
Bad luck Fishy. As they say, you have to be in it to win it!
You’re up late! Cheers mate, yea can’t be helped.
Unusual to blank down there, especially with a surf like that, but it has been known!

It sounds like a comedy of errors but everything was actually dealt with quickly and I was watching the rods like a hawk for the whole session.

Odd places at times, surf beaches. If the surf is strong and the beach is lumpy, you can get some really weird ‘bites’ and retrieves.
There was some holes out there as I stepped in a few while wading, so maybe they had something to do with it?
Good write up mate, at least the doggie saved the blank. I get similar occurrences from time to time, I put it down to spiders hanging on until the last minute before dropping off. Could it be something like that?
Well you gave it your best chap and probably in conditions l wouldn’t have bothered in to be honest.Sad news about the hare, love watching them round here.
Badluck mate,we got weeded out lastnight,was suprised as hadn't seen any weed in daylight.
Good write up mate, at least the doggie saved the blank. I get similar occurrences from time to time, I put it down to spiders hanging on until the last minute before dropping off. Could it be something like that?
Cheers mate. Id say it’s too late for spiders here.
And should be able to bring one in relatively easy. I could barely shift this, whatever it was.
Unlikely to be a ray because there was no kick whatsoever.
Well you gave it your best chap and probably in conditions l wouldn’t have bothered in to be honest.Sad news about the hare, love watching them round here.
The surf looked good mr fish , maybe too big , a blank happens to most of us , still good to get out .
Cheers chaps. On previous experience down there it looked a lovely bit of surf.
Maybe on the upper end but definitely fishable.
I had ray after ray down there once in surf like that, not that I was fishing for rays.
Went back the next night to target rays and had three bass in an hour from 6 to 8lb ?
Unlucky there Mr Fish, sounds like it just wasn't to be with the catalogue of things that happened on that session. Did you retrieve the Bunny/Hare as compensation?
Unlucky there Mr Fish, sounds like it just wasn't to be with the catalogue of things that happened on that session. Did you retrieve the Bunny/Hare as compensation?
No, didn’t want to look at it ???